Chapter fifteen

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Five days had passed since they left the temple, the journey back to the city shrouded in an oppressive silence. The once lively conversations and shared laughter between the group had faded into a tense, uncomfortable quiet. Alexander and Aria, who had once shared whispered secrets and tender moments, now seemed like strangers, each lost in their own thoughts.

The desert stretched out endlessly before them, a barren and unforgiving landscape that mirrored the emotional distance growing between them. The sun beat down relentlessly during the day, while the nights brought a chilling cold that seeped into their bones. Despite the harsh conditions, the physical discomfort paled in comparison to the emotional weight they all carried.

Hephaestion, ever the loyal friend, kept a vigilant eye on both Alexander and Aria. He had hoped that time and distance might mend the rift between them, but with each passing day, the silence only grew more deafening. He had tried, on several occasions, to coax words from Alexander, to urge him to speak to Aria, but his friend remained stubbornly tight-lipped, his eyes distant and unreadable.

Aria, for her part, maintained a stoic facade, her face a mask of quiet determination. Yet, Hephaestion could see the sadness lurking in her eyes, the flickers of doubt and pain that she tried so hard to conceal. She had confided in him briefly during their journey, but her words were few and tinged with a resignation that broke his heart.

"You should talk to him," Hephaestion said quietly, breaking the silence that had settled between them. "This silence is tearing both of you apart."

Aria stared into the flames, her expression unreadable. "I don't know what to say," she admitted after a long pause. "I fear my words will only make things worse."

Hephaestion placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "Sometimes, it's not about the perfect words. It's about breaking the silence. Let him know how you feel, even if it's difficult."

She nodded slowly, her eyes still fixed on the fire. "I'll try," she whispered, her voice barely audible over the crackling flames.

As the night wore on, Hephaestion couldn't shake the feeling that something had to give. The silence was a fragile dam holding back a torrent of emotions, and he feared what might happen when it finally broke. For now, all he could do was offer his support and hope that Alexander and Aria would find their way back to each other before the weight of their unspoken words crushed them both.


Their welcome back was as much celebratory as anything else, excluding Aria, that is. She immediately left the celebration as soon as it started, seeing the people lift up Alexander in joyous acclaim, happy their king had returned.

Aria was too focused on her way back to her room to notice the woman following closely behind her. She slammed the door shut, only to have it obstructed by Sera.

"Are you alright?" Sera asked, making Aria jump in surprise as she turned to face her.

Sera walked closer, touching Aria's arm gently. Aria nodded and shrugged. "I am alive."

Sera sighed, tilting her head in sympathy. "That's not what I asked."

Aria stood still, trying to compose herself so she wouldn't burst into tears. "I may..." she started, but the words caught in her throat. "I may have to stay with you here after all."

"Alexander?" Sera frowned, her concern deepening.

"We had a fight." Aria smiled weakly and shrugged again as tears filled her eyes.

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