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Uh, I guess the basics of it is the new song got me back in my epithet erased phase sorta

And i can't stop thinking about an abo au, I mainly have thoughts about Molly because she'd totally be an omega so I've got thoughts about how the neglect would affect her in this au

So!! Rules for any requests:
●Uh, no NSFW, especially for the neo trio and stuff
●The closest thing would be if I talked about heats or ruts, which would only be for the adults
●any ships are fine really, er unless its like adult×minor and stuff but that should be obvious enough
●I guess that's pretty much all there actually

Also side note: personally I have a love-hate relationship with abo aus like....I like the concept but I don't like when people informed stereotypes, like if you gave headcanons on a ship specifically that'd be fine but people making headcnaon lists about sya omegas an don't use partne rbut 'their alpha' pisses me off
Cause it's like saying they HAVE to end up with an alpha, which they don’t.

So the shirt of it is I like the basis of the omegaverse but not the stereotypes and stuff like that. So I prefer "non traditional" abo aus I guess should can say? Just wanted to rant a little bit lol

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