neo trio

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I think thag when the neo trio meets its like a click, cause they were all 'loners' so to speak, feenie was to 'energetic' trixie was to 'scary' and Molly is a 'pushover' so people never really cared about them? Unless it was for their own gain

I do think Trixie, despite being in a crime family, has a pretty good family life and relationships with her siblings but people outside of their family think thier a lost cost and all that

They probably got stuck in detention and that's how they all met; trixie and her brother got into a wrestling fight as siblings do, feenie probably unintentionally insulted a teacher, and Molly feel asleep in her classes again

The one watching them probably didn't have the heart to tell these pups to be quiet, especially if they saw them around the school

They compare schedules and wonder how they never talked to eachother because they pretty much has every class together; needless to say they form a "pack" after that

I can imagine when they meet trixie hasn't presented yet and neither realize Molly has, due to her scent being so dull. Molly would probably mention being an omega after Trixie presents and their both like "wot??"

Feenie would definitely do a lot of research and find out Molly being stressed is the cause, Trixie would probably try not to linger on it

Molly's first time making a nest is when they all have a sleepover at Feenies house and Molly, feeling safe for the first time since 3 years ago, immediately takes to rearranging Feenies bed and her 2 pack mates just watch her go

Molly joins them and stare proudly and confusedly before going "....I have no idea why I did that...." feenie would say that it's a nest then pause and gasp like 'your first nest!!' And fawn all over a flustered Molly, Trixie would join in the mini celebration

They definitely have a cuddle pile in it and unintentionally end up scenting one another, which isn't unusual for packmates

Oooo which reminds me, scents;
Trixie: strawberries & bubblegum
Feenies: vanilla & roses
Molly: chocolate & marshmallows(originally); bitter chocolate & black coffee but very faintly

Molly's scent being so faint means Trixie and Feenies are basically hers now and she ends up smelling like vanilla and strawberries after every hangout or sleepover, kind of like strawberry shortcake or a milkshake

Side note, I don't know if this is a constant fir allme a "pack" is jsut a close group of friends/family to me, cause i know some people are like "pack omega" and all that no. A pack is literally jsut a group of friends, it can be a trio of betas a beta and alpha, there's no "roles" in the pack

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