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Just have some thought on her and how her home situation would effect her in this au

Okay im so sorry for this but.....Molly presents a month after her mom dies-
Both her parents were betas btw

I imagine due to all the stress her scent is very....dull, faint, probably more sour to; however due to the timline nobody actually knows that it's not her scent, because she presented like immediately as all of this started happening so nobodies ever smelled what her scent is supposed to be like, they only know the distresse done so they assume it's her normal scent- even Molly doesn't know(until she meets her friends and gio and all that)

Molly doesn't know how to nest, she's never been taught and hasn't had time to learn herself or give into instinct because of the toy shop and how she barely even gets to sleep so when she does she just passes out

Since she doesn't nest she kind of has an obsession in keeping things in the toy store and the front desk, her desk and locker at school, very organized. Seriously if you mess something up, she will fix it as soon as possible
This is because to her subconscious, the toy store, front desk, and school stuff is a replacement for her nest

She definitely clings to trixie and feenie, cause those are the only 2 people she has in her life that are actually good- at least until the museum arc

A lot of her more 'animalistic' instincts would be pushed down to say the least

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