
15 1 0

Name: Matt

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Species: Fairy

Sexuality: Bi with a male preference

Personality: grumpy, meditative, wise, intelligent, doesn't like to be interrupted. ever

Appearance: dirty blonde hair that grows longer when he transforms, pale skin, blue eyes

Fairy Of: Ocean Depths

Homeworld: He doesn't know

Royal?: He doesn't know

Virtue Keeper?: YEP

Virtue?: Harmony

Backstory: Matt grew up in a fairy orphanage called Valhalla protected by a fairy organization called the Valkyries. One day Matt was welcomed into a fairy brotherhood called the Keepers of Virtue as the Keeper of Harmony. With the job of protecting the magical Harmony that unites the Magic Dimension. Which means he feels immense pain whenever the magical Harmony is disrupted. (So whenever the Winx faced new threats he was straight up bedridden for weeks).

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