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Name: Florence

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Species: Fairy

Sexuality: AroAce

Personality: respectful, quiet, a bit antisocial, very helpful, a giving person, wise

Appearance: long white blonde hair, green eyes, pale skin

Fairy Of: The Woods

Homeworld: Lynphea

Royal?: Nope. He's just a wise sage of the forest

Virtue Keeper?: Yes

Virtue?: Generosity

Backstory: Florence grew up learning the wisdom of the forest from his father in order to become a Lynphean sage one day. But a dark wizard attacked him and his family and......destroyed his family. Though instead of destroying Florence the wizard used a dark spell to make his voice nothing but silence. Thus making him mute. After this he became a sage of the forest communicating with the language of flowers. Though he also joined the Keepers of Virtue as the Keeper of Generosity.

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