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Name: C7W

Age: 20 but has the physical appearance of a teenager

Gender: Male

Species: Robotic Fairy

Sexuality: He doesn't understand the concept

Personality: straightforward, logical, to the point, doesn't understand emotions

Appearance: green hair, pale 'skin', blue eyes

Fairy Of: Artificial Intelligence

Homeworld: Zenith

Royal?: No but he does have connections to the Zenith royal family

Virtue Keeper?: Yes

Virtue?: Compassion

Backstory: C7W was built by King Cryos of Zenith as the first ever functioning Robotic Fairy. C7W used his power over Artificial Intelligence to create many powerful gadgets and devices for Zenith. But even though he was programed by King Cryos to not have emotions but C7W does have compassion. And a need and want to help the people of Zenith no matter the circumstances. So he joined the Keepers of Virtue as the Keeper of Compassion. The first Robotic Fairy and Fairy from Zenith to join the Keepers of Virtue.

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