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Name: Alex

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Species: Fairy

Sexuality: Bi

Personality: wise, princely, respectful, kind

Appearance: blue hair that he grows out later on, pale skin, blue eyes

Fairy Of: Life Force

Homeworld: Arrelia

Royal?: Yes

Virtue Keeper?: Yep

Virtue?: Kindness

Backstory: Alex grew up learning princely etiquette and manners. He never got to be a kid. But he knew that his parents love him but did find that his lifestyle wasn't.....comfortable. Though he stuck with it because of not wanting to disappoint his parents. So yes he has a lack of eating when it comes to his lifestyle. (If he was in the show you would never see him eat on screen from Season 1 to early Season 2). He joined the Keepers of Virtue as well as the Keeper of Kindness. So he had MORE PRESSURE PLACED ON HIM! But who doesn't love a good old tortured prince with too much expected of him. (His theme song is essentially just 'Princesses Don't Cry').

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