The mystery -2

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*after sometime everyone gathers again as arman continues the story*


Virendra: he will not return  indrajal Jyoti ik it's expensive and also have unexplainable history to it the only path is battle

Bhuwaneshwari: battle is not the answer for every problem brother , there are many kills and also this will affect the kingdom's situation

Virendra : I want indrajal Jyoti that's it

Medha : you have to think of entire kingdom than yourself and your desires , virendra

Sundara : let's see what is the answer of preetam then decide


*Entire king royal family was on king's court everyone where waiting for the message as the guard arrived*

Guard : " it's the message from preetam the king of rajapura , virendra im pretty satisfied of your assistance and your treaty I accept there were some complications between us but they will be forever now. If you didn't agreed to me as you know what I need you need to give it as per indrajal Jyoti

you have to send bhuwaneshwari the financial Queen to rajapura to take indrajal but i have my conditions she shouldnt  come with any soilders and you can't come with her virendra this is the condition if you broke any of the conditions my army will not think twice before attacking you , your enemy preetam

Virendra : ( slam the throne) I KNEW IT, He will do something like this

Aishwarya: why does he want bhuwaneshwari

Sundara: for his lust and also he have eye on her from a very long time

Suraksha : the day when bhuwaneshwari didi rejected the offer of him without knowing who he is , he have eye on her

Bhuwaneshwari: ( silent )

Virendra: I will not send my sister

Bhuwaneshwari: i will go

*The same day at night*.

Bhuwaneshwari: Aishwarya didi , believe me I will be safe

Aishwarya: how , how will you be safe

Tara : I don'tbelieve you, you aren't safe there and you are still claiming you are safe why

Bhuwaneshwari: I have a plan (😏)

*The next day*

*In rajapura*

Luna : they are kids they know nothing

Nehra : absolutely

Prettam: a guard from indrapuram hehe

Guard :...... ( Tells the condition of queen)

Preetam:( drinks wine ) i accept

*The same day*

Bhuwaneshwari outfit

Bhuwaneshwari outfit

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