Chapter 4

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chapter 4- The Belgic Theory

Rosanne thought she heard a knock somewhere off the walls of her dorm, in the dead silence of the night as she sat with her law books, reading through case reports on her tiny bed, but dismissed it.

Another knock. She turned around, removing the curtain off her window, only to find Carlos' grinning face, waving to her, beckoning her to open the window.

"What the actual fuck?" Rosanne questioned, opening the window.

"That's exactly what I told this bastard." Anton grunted from below, Rosanne looked down to where he was and saw that Anton was supporting Carlos' entire weight on his two shoulders.

"listen, we are going to Chase, it's down by the street, there's a party, you need to come." Carlos explained.

"Alright, alright, you could've just texted me dude." Rosanne said as he jumped down finally, much to the relive of Anton.

"Now what would the fun in that be, senorita?" Carlos questioned.

"Alright, Romeo, I'll be there in 5," Rosanne said as she steer back from the window, she sighed looking at her stack of books.

She suddenly remembered what she'd promised to her mom.

Don't forget to have fun. You've put in the work since you've been a kid. Her mom's voice echos through the empty room.

She sighs.

A sudden memory flashes through her mind. The flashing lights, the loud voices, the scattering of sounds.

Her eyes open, jolting he out of the memory with a ferocity. She stares at her reflection in the mirror tying her hair. She grabs a jacket off of the cupboard hanger.

She wasn't in her hometown, she was in a new city, new adventures awaited her, not the past.


"That's absurd." Amber voiced, as she stuffed French fires into her mouth.

"It's actually pretty probable." Anton opinionated. Carlos, Rosanne, Anton and Amber were sitting huddled in a booth, stuffing themselves with burgers and fries.

Amber wasn't going to drink on an empty stomach, so before the headed for the party, they decided to drop by a burger place on the way.

"How did Mr. Clark access those papers, if he did?" Rosanne questioned. They were discussing about an unpublished paper that Mr. Clark had penned. It was about Tudor, a country in Eastern Europe, that reeked of money and prestige.

The rumour was that Mr. Clark had gotten his hands on some confidential documents from the delta government that detailed in great length about a science project named the "Belgic theory." In Tudor started in the 80s by a bunch of brilliant scientists. It was started to develop a cargo machine that could reduce the mass of plastic by 90%. If this were true, this project could be life changing for the world. But there were world powers that were against this project for their own selfish monetary reasons.

"Maybe Mr. Clark was a spy." Amber said, sighing.

"No, I don't see it," Carlos spoke, nodding, "he doesn't have that spy vibes." Rosanne chuckled. "Matter closed, Judge Carlos' verdict is in." Rosanne declared.

Amber and Anton laughed. "It's not how he got the classified documents that matters, I think it's the fact that this project could've probably cleared out so much plastic junk if implemented, isn't it crazy that some probably rich and powerful people didn't want the program to go on?" Amber said.

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