Chapter 8

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chapter 8- Secrets unearthed

1 day later-

Roman walked out of the Chariot Library with a single black file, heading straight for the International studies department. It had been raining heavily since the morning, and now as dusk approached, the entire campus looked straight out of a halloween movie, with its dim yellow victorian lights and imposing historical buildings.

He waltzed into the establishment, with determined steps towards a certain professor's office. He steps inside, opening the door. "Roman." Mr. Jameson acknowledges, turning around his seat to face him.

"Professor." Roman says, before putting the file down with considerable force. Mr. Jameson  stares at it and then at Roman.

Mr. Jameson looks nervous at the silence that ensues.

"Won't you like to check what it is?" Roman says, sitting in the armchair in front of him.

"I might have an inkling as to what it is." Mr. Jameson states.

Roman eyes him with a pointed and sharp  stare, "well, only one way to find out."

Mr. Jameson sighs picking up the file, undoing the clasp and retrieving the documents inside.

His shoulders further slumped when he realised it was exactly what he thought it was.

"So when were you going to tell me that you knew one of the researchers on the Belgic theory?" Roman questioned but he already knew the answer to it.


"Roman.. I knew at some point you were going to figure it out yourself, but before you did find out, I wished you would've gotten the research papers from some other researcher on the Belgic team, and hence you would've never have to know about Dimtri."

"Dimtri Balkoff." Roman said in a menacing tone, "So your plan- instead of helping us was to keep us in the dark about literally what could've reduced all the years of work trying to find a researcher on that team so that we could get hands on their work for the Belgic research. Why not tell us about Dimtri?"

Mr. Jameson sighed, standing up, and walking till the window, as thunders rolled outside in the skies and internally in Roman's mind.

"Dimtri was killed in a car accident 15 years ago, a drunk truck driver collided with his car, his lawyer tried handover the Dmitri's research work to the scientific community but before he could, he was killed too."

"I suppose we are next on the radar." Roman said this with a casualness that ascertained he didn't fucking fear whoever might try to kill him.

"no, we are not." Mr. Jameson said.

"How are you so sure?" Roman's eyes narrowed. "Just trust me on this one." Mr. Jameson said, his eyes downcast.

It started to pour heavier outside, as more secrets surfaced.

Roman's eyes glinted, "oh professor, I never expected this of you." The implication that his professor had killed someone was quite the surprise to Roman.

Mr. Jameson looked up at him, "I didn't have a choice, but that doesn't mean we are safe now, Roman, always stay alert from now on, the Belgic research had cause quite the storm amongst the mighty and powerful people back then, most of them were highly against it- be under no mistake-that people like these continue to exist."

Roman nodded, taking the file from the desk again, "I'm going to start working on this."

Mr. Jameson nodded.


The starting tunes of footloose started to play.

Karaoke nights were a religion at Campus. And here they were. most of the students gathered in groups of friends, chatting, joking around, dancing and of course singing.

"So is everyone pumped tonight for the first karaoke night for this semester?" A guy next to the music booth yelled.

"I love this one!" Amber said, as she dragged Rosanne to the dance floor. Rosanne chuckled, as she tried to keep up with Amber's enthusiasm. They started singing and moving to the music. 

"Hey! I'll show you how to dance to footloose buggers!" Carlos joined them right as the chorus of the song rolled on.

Amber and Rosanne burst into laughter as Carlos did the funniest step with his legs.  "good lord, look at you!" Rosanne chuckled.

"you got to do it like me!" Carlos squealed, as he repeated the funny step. "I'll pass," Rosanne said.

One song turned into another.

And then the first romantic song of the night rolled in.

"I feel it in my fingers, I feel it in my bones..."

The couples latched on to the Moment and each other.

"fucking hell! not this romantic bullshit." Amber said as she threw her hands in the air.  Carlos chuckled, "Well let's get some food till then,"

"Alright you wait here Rosanne, we'll be back in a jiffy." Amber informed. Rosanne nodded. 

A hand was kept on Rosanne's back. Rosanne turned around swiftly.

"Dance with me?"


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