Chapter 7

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chapter 7-In the middle of it.

"why would Roman know?" Rosanne questioned.

"Similar circles, Hade used to study Astrophysics too," Amber spoke, looking at Rosanne.

"We'll just have to call it day, won't we?" Carlos said, shrugging. "Yup, let's go get lunch, I'm starving!" Amber said.

Soon they were huddled in a tiny cafe on campus, which for a change wasn't full to the brim like usual, so they found a table with relative ease.

"So we were thinking of signing up for a few clubs, what do you think about that, would you like to join too?" Amber inquired.

"Oh I would very much like to." Rosanne said with a smile, "what clubs are you guys thinking? I was thinking something on the lines of history debating or I found
This one via the school website- chronologically cursed?" She said, but more on the sense of forming a question.

"Oh that's a fun one- every 3 months students in that club are divided into teams and they are given an unsolved mystery to solve." Carlos said, "we should all join that."

"Sounds good then." Amber continued,
"Who knows we might just solve an actual mystery."

"Yeah sure," Carlos chuckled. Food had made his mood better.

"Look at the 3 of you." Anton stood before them. He looked tired but dashing nonetheless.
"Look what the cat dragged in." Amber commented.

"Good afternoon to you too Amber. Rosanne I hope you're feeling much better." Anton said he sat on the empty chair.

"Oh she is." Carlos grinned. Roseanne kicked his leg under the table, "laugh all you want now, mister."

"What's that in your hand now?" Amber questioned Anton who had a huge black folder in his hands.

"Top secret stuff, darling." Anton smirked.

"Sure asshole." Amber huffed.

Rosanne looked between them, and then at Carlos who noticed her looking at them, and he smirked. She smiled in understanding.

"What are you guys smiling at, huh?" Amber asked flustered.

"Nothing." Carlos and Rosanne said at the same time.

Anton smirked, "why do you look so flustered Amber?"

"You're a fucking arse, Anton?" Amber declared, "did you know about Hade?"

Anton eyed Carlos, whose smile had sobered up as he looked at Anton waiting for an answer.

"I didn't." Anton admitted.

"What about Roman? You think he knew?" Carlos asked.

"No, he's been too busy."

"Well not too busy to come into a cafe in the afternoon." Carlos said as he watched Roman come in. The rest of them, turned theirs heads swiftly to look at Roman.

After a moment, Anton turned around to look at Carlos who was sitting next to Rosanne, "why don't you go and sit on the other chair?"

Carlos frowned, but after a moment understood. "Right."

"Why?" Rosanne questioned, frowning.

"Well just because." Amber said shrugging her shoulders, clearly she was in on it too.

"Hello." Roman acknowledged, "mind if I sit here Rosanne?"

Rosanne gulped nervously, "go ahead."

"Good afternoon Roman, finally had time for us?" Amber said.

"You know how it is Amber," Roman spoke.

"You and your top secret research, would you reckon to show it to us someday?" Carlos inquired casually.

"Sure." Roman answered curtly. Rosanne noticed how he only ever spoke what was necessary, no next words were needed, and if they were, then his body language filled in the gaps for him.

"Holy shit!" Rosanne said as she noticed the time, it was almost 3, she had a meeting with her new professor, Mr. Clark at the international studies department at 3:30 pm, "I need to get going, I have a meeting with professor Clark."

"I'll walk you to his office." Roman says, instantly getting up.

"Oh no, you should eat something, you just got here," Rosanne said.

"No, I'll walk you," Roman said, "you'll find I'm very stubborn."

"Well so am I." Rosanne said, hiding a smile.

"Oh just go you loggerheads!" Amber exclaimed. "Rosanne you'll be late?"

Rosanne realised she would be late and she didn't want to be late for a first meeting.

"Alright." Rosanne said.

They walked out of the cafe, no words were spoken but there was an ease attached to the moment.

Roman finally broke the silence.

"You look much better, last night you put on quite the performance." Roman joked but his face was non-expressive except for the tiniest line of a smile.

"Not one of my best days, I'll tell you that." Rosanne said, inwardly cringing, "do something for me would you?- never mention last night to me or throw me in the lake at campus."

Roman laughed.

Rosanne stared at him, he looked so much more carefree in that moment, even though his countenance was so serious and rugged. It seemed as though for a moment he had kept his guard down.

Perhaps not all sunny beautiful days began with the weather.

"why? don't want the autograph anymore?" Roman humoured, with a tiny smile. 

"thank you for the offer, but no" Rosanne said, a blush gracing her features.

They reached the International studies Department, both go their paces had slowed down for a minute.

Roman turned to look at her. "We are here." Rosanne stated. 

"We are." 

"Thank you for coming all the way, this is the third time you've walked me somewhere, I'm going to have to return a lot of favours." Rosanne thanked him.

"Well you don't have to return any favours, but I'm looking forward to walking with you again, Rosanne." Roman drew closer to her slowly, looking into her eyes.

His oceanic blue eyes, darkened as though a burst of dark clouds had descended there and made a home in the depths of his eyes.

Rosanne's breathing sped up, but for her-the moment slowed down.

He came slower still, until their chests were only an inch apart, but in that Moment the inch felt like miles. 

His hand came up to her cheeks, he lightly brushed his fingers over her cheeks, as though tracing her soul all the same, as though revelling in the touch. 

He opened his mouth to say something, but then took a step back, brining his hand away from her face. His face morphed into something unrecognisable, his hands fisted at the sides. 

He took another step back.

"Goodbye, Rosanne." 


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