Episode 8 - A waste of time?

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Chosen, after being unconscious for a while, finally woke up; his head was hurting like hell, there was a ringing in his ears, and his eyesight was all blurry. The bat must have made a bad bruise on him or something. Dark unlocked the door to check on him, and stepped inside once he realized that Chosen was awake.

"Ah, hey Chosen. How are you doing?"

"Quit the act," Chosen snapped, his head down. "Where is Second and the others?"

"You don't have to worry about that," Dark chuckled, walking around Chosen in a circle again. "They're in safe hands..."

This sentence caused Chosen to look up. Dark knew that Chosen would react to that, so he smiled mischievously.

"W... What do you mean? What did you do to them!?" Chosen yelled at Dark. He started to slightly panic, whilst Dark stopped walking.

"Damn, calm down. I believe that Second is fine, but the others..." Dark trailed off.

"You're a monster."

"I try my best. Don't worry, they're not dead, they're okay. For now, at least," Dark added under his breath.

"H- How about Second? Where is he?"

"He'll be here soon, I know it. I bet he's afraid that his friends are going to be killed again, don't you think?"

It was silent for a moment, until Chosen spoke up.

"You know the power he holds, don't you?" Chosen asked, his head down again.

"Of course I do. It's surprising, really," Dark sighed, glancing at his wristband. "A pathetic person like him doesn't deserve all that power."

"He's not pathetic."

"He is, you just don't see it. Behind all that strength and courage, is a scared, little stick-figure who just wants his friends back."

Chosen stayed quiet, but he wasn't going to believe what Dark had just said. Sure, maybe he's sometimes a bit emotional, but besides that, he's amazing. The determination, the leadership, the co-operation, is just incredible. Chosen admired Second for those reasons, and many more. Dark slowly turned around walked over to the door, opening it and then shutting it behind him; Chosen was now left with himself and his thoughts.

Meanwhile, with Purple and Second...

Purple and Second swooped down to the smooth roof of the building. Purple landed swiftly on the roof, but once it was Second's turn, he collapsed onto the concrete next to Purple, panting. This was very unusual, since Second never really had a problem landing with an elytra. Purple knew this, so he immediately got concerned.

"Sec, what happened?" Purple asked, kneeling down to reach Second's level.

"I... I don't feel okay with this..." Second stuttered, shaking terribly. He was obviously worried about Chosen and his friends. He sat up. "What if they're not okay? What if they're..." He trailed off, not daring to think about the other possibilities.

"Second! Don't think like this!" Purple cried, lightly hitting Second on the back. "They're okay! Please... you're worrying me..."

"I didn't mean to... I'm sorry..." Second muttered quietly, hiding his face in his hands. Tears rolled down his face. "W- Why did you come with me? I'm just wasting your time."

"If I'm going to be 'wasting my time' on my friends, then it's going to be worth it! C'mon Sec, you know I don't like seeing my friends cry," Purple sighed, wiping Second's tears away from his face. "I promise you, the others are okay, so they wouldn't want you crying, would they? I'm counting on you. They're counting on you. Of course, no pressure, but what I'm trying to say is, we can't give up. Not now. So let's just... calm down for a bit... okay?"

Sure, Purple wasn't exactly the best at comforting and cheering people up, but this time, he did a pretty good job. Second, who was starting to tear up again, embraced Purple in a hug. Second half-expected Purple to push him away, since he still wasn't really used to being hugged yet, but to his surprise, he didn't. After a short moment, Purple stood up, holding out a hand to help Second.

"Now, how about we go save our friends?"

Second nodded, and took Purple's hand, Purple helping him up.

"Let's do it!"

They turned to the stairs and ran; they were going to find Chosen and the group, and they were going to get them out of here.

To be continued...


Hello! I'm SO sorry for the chapter delay, my life is very busy atm! As always, the support is unimaginable, like, is this a dream or something?

Hello! I'm SO sorry for the chapter delay, my life is very busy atm! As always, the support is unimaginable, like, is this a dream or something?

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I will try to put more in the next chapter, but in the meantime, I'm gonna go disappear for a bit! Stay safe guys :D

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