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(April 11th,2024)
I grew up on fairytales
I fell into the promise of happy endings
Only to ever be met with cliff hangers
And destruction
The mental apocalypse
Forced my brain to silence
No one cares to see me scribbling in my notebooks
Or hear the emotions behind my words
Because they are meaningless

I grew up on fairytales
The ones with happy endings
Just to be introduced to suffering
While people skated around me
Never trying to understand
That my giggles and constant laughter
Was the image
I've been forced into
Because how dare you speak on anything
We don't approve

See I grew up on fairytales
You know the ones
That strangle your vocal cords
And yank them
Out of your esophagus
To prove the damning of a happy ending

I grew up on fairytales
Only the endings were hopes and dreams
That I was told I'd never reach

See I grew up on fairytales
By imagination
And vivid dreaming
For someone
Anyone to save me
Only for that someone to be me
Now these are fairytales worth sharing

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