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My arms were slightly wrapped around him and the wind was brushing my face which dried my tears. The scene felt surreal.

We arrived later to a park. A normal kid's park. It was empty. Of course it is. It's midnight soon.

I tried not to ask any questions while Quinn got off the motorcycle and lent me his hand. I couldn't even think straight. You can't use your brain when a boy like Quinn offers his hand, right?

We passed through the park, his hand holding mine, until we reached a large green wall of big trees in the end of the park, where the branches weren't visible. Nothing was visible, exactly like a wall.

"Be careful" Quinn pushed a hidden branch so that we can pass through.

I followed him slowly and carefully.

The path was so dark and full of branches I tripped over many times. But apparently, Quinn is used to this. He was walking normally, and leading me as if he could see the branches. He obviously comes here a lot.

"Now I'd like you to close your eyes." Quinn said. I could sense his smile by the tone of his voice.

I don't know why he asked me that, I naturally couldn't see anything, it's so dark.

I closed my eyes anyway.

He kept leading me forward, our hands holding each other and the sound of our footsteps crushing the branches. I have to admit that a lot of girls would do anything to take my place.

Although, I felt a little bit scared. How can I not be? A mysterious new man enters through my life, making me follow him at midnight, eyes closed, in an empty forest.

But let me tell you something, when you have no one worrying about you, you will feel like you have nothing big to worry about.

We kept walking until I couldn't feel branches under my feet anymore and Quinn left my hand.

"Open your eyes"

I did so.

And God, when I say I'm one hundred percent sure I'm dreaming.

There was an old bridge, and a little lake. An emerald lake, like a diamond flame shining. Its luminescent water shimmering in the moonlight, as if the light was actually coming from it. It was peaceful and statue still and the moon, was the prettiest moon I've ever seen. Pale and crescent shining like a silvery claw in the night sky. So clear, so big, I felt like I could hold it if I tried and raised my hands. I had trouble believing that places like this exist.

There's this strange feeling running through my veins: an uncomfortable peace.

Please don't wake me up. Please let me keep dreaming. Forever.

I tried to say something, but facing this beauty, I couldn't pronounce a word.

My mouth was half open in front of this marvel. I could feel Quinn giggling behind me.

He suddenly moved his hand to my chin. I jumped slightly at his touch. It felt like an electric shock. I don't think he noticed because he lifted my chin and approached his face to mine from behind.

"Now look up"

I did.

A sky full of stars everywhere stretching to infinity in a velvet black. Stars not even shown on movies.

No right words to describe the moment.

"Don't just stand there." He was laughing.

I can keep listening to his laugh over and over again, I will never get bored of it.

Looking For MyselfWhere stories live. Discover now