Chapter two

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The Summer of 1967 was no ordinary summer, but for me I was living the life of a normal well almost normal kid in the world.

I remember that summer when all was great no classes and no boys besides the ones in are neighborhood.

I had great friends over the years mostly my three best friends who have been close to me since grade school.

My friend Melanie was your typical girl with blonde hair and blue eyes, her parents were not always around much, but she wants to become a model someday and live in Hollywood in those expensive mansions.

and my other friend Kelly was the only tomboy in the neighborhood, all the boys thinks she's weird, and she once punched David Lewis in the nose for being way to loud.

her parents where divorced and her mom was going threw a hard time with money, Kelly always feared puberty like a worm buck on wheels.

and my other friend Jenny was the chubby one of the group, people would always bully her for being to fat, her mom made her go on a diet for the rest of the summer.

my life was very pleasant and calm I knew i was going to have the best summer ever.

As I layed in my bed in my room as I was daydreaming about the days to come, as I was daydreaming my sister came into my room.

and began hustling at me about dad wants all for dinner, and to get washed up and head downstairs.

" Ari how many times do I have to tell you to get of that couch and get ready for supper, I'm not telling you again" she said

As she slammed the door and left my room in complete silence.

As I got out of bed and left my daydreaming world back to reality.

as I went to the bathroom as I turned the sink on and began washing my hands under the warm water.

Grandma always says to wash your hands before supper, because it's good manners, now I wish my grandma was here to give my mother a lecture about coming home late drunk and miserable.

as I turned the water off and dried my hands on the towel on the wall, as I folded it back and put it back on the towel rack.

As I left the bathroom and headed downstairs,  as I heard my parents arguing again for the thirdeth time.

As I didn't pay attention to there none stop yelling, as I went down to the kitchen, as saw my older sister Alice setting the table and my other older sister Debra cooking dinner.

As she smiled at me with her big white teeth.

" well look who finally showed up, all this time" she said

As I sat in the chair in the dining room, as my sister placed the food on the table.

my parents have been arguing since I was 9, and my father was a business man, and my mom was always drunk, my mother stopped drinking three years ago but began drinking again soon after.

my mom was always drunk and don't have time to take care of me and my sisters, my older sister Alice began taking care of me and Debra.

Alice dropped put of school to take care of me and mama and Deb, Alice always had this attitude problem against me.

I never could understand why she always hated me.

Alice always hated my mother's drunk antics and told mama to stop drinking and get right, did mama listen, no she back to drinking and partying with men.

dad never liked mama's drinking problem, but he had to deal with it for so long, they always argued every night when dad came home.

tonight's dinner was the left over Chicken Alfredo from two days ago, and garlic bread.

my sister Debra is a Jr in high school and wants to go to Harvard state next fall.

I'm now in 7th grade in Jr high and I start 8th grade in the fall.

As my sister's sat down at the table, as are parents followed soon after, as my sister said a prayer and we began eating.

At Dinner mama began shouting at us and screaming and saying this whole family is a mistake and wish she never married dad.

As she finally got angry and threw her plate at dad, and left the room.

As my dad got up and followed her into the den, as they began arguing again.

As Alice got up and began cleaning the mess mama made, as she excused us from the table.

As I left the dining room to go outside, as I hopped on my bike and headed to Jenny's hose to get away from craziness at my house.

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