chapter four

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the next morning I woke up in my room, as the sun was shining threw my bedroom window,  as I got out of bed and got dressed.

As I slipped some tights under my poka dot dress, I always like getting the paper cut out dresses from the sears catalog, as I but on my slippers, as I brushed my hair and put a red bow in it.

my Aint jose said that I had beautiful eyes and long brown hair like my grandmother Sarasota,  she passed away last summer of a heart attack.

As I left my room to go see what we had for breakfast, I walked down the stairs to see what's going on.

As I saw my dad and sisters throwing all mama's things out the door, I always knowed my mother would soon leave us for a man who she probably slept with.

As I took a walk outside as I saw Debra carrying a box of mama's clothes from high school, I stood outside, lost and confused.

Now I think of how Kelly's dad walked out on them and now I'm thinking about what happens now, will my family end up broke and my father finding no job, but I kept thinking that all morning.

As my friends pulled up on their bikes, they hollered for me to come and join them, as I got my bike as we headed for Jenny's house to our secret tree house.

we always go there to talk about girl things, so the boys won't bother us, especially David Lewis, the towns popular boy.

as we parked, we were bikes in front of the tree house as we began climbing up the latter to the tree house, as we all got inside and closed the latch below us.

So girls said Melanie as she opened our mini fridge and began passing Coca-Colas out to each of us.

today was the hottest day of the year in California. It's so hot here that we have to open the pools free here in town so people in town can cool off.

As we began talking about things that we are going to do this summer.

As Kelly was sitting next to me, as she had her long brown hair cut off and dyed black, and she was wearing nothing but black, she had eyeliner all over eyes.

" Kelly said, Jenny

" Your new look is so cool," said Jenny

as she tossed her long blonde hair to the side of the shoulder.

" thanks girls "she said

As she grabbed her notebook and began writing something in it, as she turned it around to us, to our surprise, it was a picture of a man hanging from a tree.

I never thought Kelly would become such a dark person,  I know she's been threw a lot in her family like mine is going threw right now.

" It's my mom's new boyfriend," she said

Kelly told us her mom was dating religious pastor named Bobby, and how he's such a religious man that he threatened to beat her with a Bible if he caught her listening to music or dressing like wensday adams.

" Kelly, why would your mom date that kind of guy?" said Jenny as she began eating an apple.

" I don't know, guys, but my mom is getting more time with him than me," she said

that's why she didn't make the lemonade because she isn't broke she's just not going to spend her money on Kelly or Sammy.

" Guys, I have some bad news," I said

" What bad news ??? Melanie asked

I told them that my mom left last night with her new fiance and that my dad and sisters were throwing all of my moms stuff out to the curb of are drive way.

As my friends heard what had happened, they all gave me a big old bear hug to make me feel better, and it did.

as my friends and I took our allowance and began close shopping at the Desire department store.

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