Chapter three

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As I arrived at Kelly's house in the darkness, I had no flashlight ether, and I knew my way in the dark.

my friend Kelly has always had my back since the first grade, and i always went to her when my parents were arguing or after I had a fight with my sister.

Kelly's mom always made me lemonade when I felt upset or angry her lemonade always made me feel better.

she had the best tasting lemonade in the whole world, better than my mom's lemonade.

as I parked my bike outside in her driveway, as I walked up to her back door as I knocked on the door, as her older brother Sammy answered.

" ahh Ari I see your parents are arguing again," said Sammy

" Yeah, they are arguing again," I said to him

as I walked into her house, as I was greeted by her mother, Sherry.

" I'm sorry I couldn't make my lemonade, my family and I are falling hard times," she said

I remember when Kelly first told me her parents were not going to well, and her dad ended up walking out on her family, and a few weeks later, her dad filed for divorce.

ever since the divorce, her family has been struggling with finances. Her brother Sammy is working two jobs so he can get into college, and Her mom hasn't been getting any jobs so far.

I asked her mom if I could talk to Kelly, and her mom said yes.

" she's up in her room," said Sherry

As I took a walk up the steps, as I walked downbtge hall to her room, as I opened the door, as to my shock she was putting white thin tape over her breats.

Kelly didn't like the fact her body was developing in a manner she couldn't control,  I remember when I first developed my breaths, I was scared at first, but I got used to it.

but Kelly, no, she disliked the fact she was becoming a woman.

as she turned around and saw me and panicked and tossed the tape in her desk drawer.

" it's okay, Kelly. I didn't see anything," I said to her

As she quickly put her shirt back on, she came over and hugged me.

I can tell she was happy to see me, and I was happy to see her as I sat on her bed.

"Ari, are your parents fighting again??? Kelly said to me

I replied to her, " Yes, they are fighting again."

I told her about how Mama had a fit at dinner, and she threw a plate at my dad, and my sister let us leave the dinner table.

" Ari, you're always welcome to stay the night at my house," said Kelly

As she gave me a hug to comfort me.

it's not the first time my parents have been arguing or fighting. They have been fighting since I was 9, and the fact Kelly's family is almost broke.


After I fell asleep on her bed as I opened my eyes to see what time it was, I looked at the alarm clock and it showed 11:30.

As I got out of bed and ran downstairs and outside the house to my bike and rode home as fast as I could.

I knew my sister would have been angry at me for not following cerfu, as I made my way to my house, as I parked my bike in the garage.

As I walked up the front walk and saw a Chevrolet parked in front of our house, as a guy with long black hair stepped out of the vehicle.

" What are you here for???? I asked him

he replied to me, " I'm here for your mama, my fiance."

as I shocked in grasp of that mans reply about my mother,  and she didn't tell us about the secret fiance she was seeing.

As my mama came outside dressed in black leather and carrying her suit case, as the man in black jumped off his car and took mama's hands and her suitcase.

as he placed the suitcase in the trunk and closed it, as Mama got inside, and the guy began driving away, I hadn't heard from my mom since that night.

Whispers of friendship Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora