chapter five

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As we arrived at the department store, we rode with Jenny's mom, who was shopping that day for new coats for winter.

I always thought Jenny's mom was crazy for buying winter coats in the middle of summer. Oh well, I guess she's getting ready for winter early this year.

As we all headed to this one store called records and clothes,  Kelly told us that she could wear shopping for her new wardrobe and this store carried a lot of dark clothes.

and she wasn't wrong they had a whole section of dark clothes next to the rock vinyls, as me and my friends and I began roaming the store for new clothes.

Kelly and I began looking at the dark section of the store.

As we began looking at black mint skirts and black dresses, as I read the price on the clothes, and let me tell you the clothes were cheap.

no wonder why Kelly likes to shop here, as we began to try stuff on and we bought what we liked as we began to check out, as me and my friends left the store.

as we began rocking the mall halls with style, everyone was watching us like we were the next big thing, we looked so good, even Sharon tate would die laughing.

As we headed to Arnold's dinner in town, Arnold's dinner sells most delicious food, and even their milkshakes were delicious.

as we took a seat and began ordering our food, as we felt we were being watched as I turned around and saw David Lewis, the towns popular boy, he staring us down.

As him and his best friend William came up to see what we girls were doing.

" Well, look what we have here, the tomboy who turned into a freak," David said

as him and his buddy began making fun of us, especially Kelly, Kelly wasn't going to take any of David's crap anymore.

as she took out her notebook and began drawing, as she yelled

" Hey David," she said

as she turned the notebook around and their was a drawing of David in a grave, as the picture gave him a big old scare, as he left the restaurant with his friends, as they rode their bikes away from the restaurant.

that was brave and courageous of Kelly to stand up for us like that, David Lewis is one of the most famous and rudest boy at Desire Jr high, he's so popular because he dating head cheerleader Maggie Martin.

As we ate our food in complete comfort, as we left the restaurant and went home, as we went back to our tree house.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29 ⏰

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