chapter 23

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She pushed the button to go higher.
The stagnant air in the elevator was taking a slight toll on her.
She wanted to get this meeting with as quick as possible.

So here's the thing.
The pack they over threw, apparently known as the Night moon Pack, own a couple of malls and bars, it's pretty low on income, now, with the face and power of the mall owner ships, they're about to introduce a new business offer, to build an industry and company, responsible for the production of drugs and cosmetics.

The sound of their shoes clanking on the marble floor and the air they carried was enough to dazzle just anyone who glanced their way.

The teenage girl wore a blood red suit, that had red pants and similar colored jacket.
Her inner shirt was a deep black with a dull red tie that seemed to be the mix of black and red.
Her hair was styled in a side curl and her thin chain on her neck and collar accentuated the black shirt, she also put on high black heels.

Beside her, two other people stood, a male and a female.
The female had on a light blue innershirt with deep blue suit pants and a suit jacket hung loosely on her shoulders. She put on sky blue heels too.

The male wore a black tuxedo suit with a typical white shirt within.
His back tie was accompanied with a corporate pin and his pocket had a shapped hankering.
He wore sleek shoes with a thin dark glass on his eyes.
As they moved, so did the eyes of the other employees.
She set off an easily domineering aura with the teenage girl up front, who looked not less than seventeen, the most superior.

'who are they?'
The questions circulated through the whole floor.
They headed to the second elevator that led to the CEO's office and the elevator's doors closed shut, to give way for the employees to chatter freely and intriguing thoughts seeped into their head.

The secretary knocked on the doors of the CEO's office.
He chided in her arrival with a deep grunt of his voice and then left after informing him about the guests.

He stood up with a frown on his face, stuffed his hands into his pocket to get a cigarette and a lighter.

He stood at the glass wall from the side of his room, overlooking the city below the hundreds floors of his office.
His doorbell rang in his ears, and a few steps followed.
He smelt it.

His senses were tingling, but he, still in that unknown situation was calm, his special wolf powers being the next in line Alpha, was able to mask his scent.

A voice rang in his ears. A sweet voice.
" Hello. Mr Williamson...."

He nodded his head, his back still to them.

"Let's talk about this co-operation now, shall we Mr Williamson?...."

He could almost hear the smile in her tone.
He turned and cocked his eyebrows at her surprising appearance.

Firstly, her dressing was more, much more misleading than her figure portrayed, that suit put a very sophisticated air around such a girl.
And despite her free pants and suit, much less her age, or more like her appearance, she was very much beautiful, much more than he'd seen before with an even more attractive figure.

But, the wolves scent he was detecting didn't seem to emit from her.
Infact she didn't smell like human at all.
She smelt like...... nothing.
Or a specie he couldn't differ. It was much rather peculiar on his  part.

She smiled curtly at him and cleared her throat to call him out of his trance.
"Mr Williamson?!...."

"Ahh yes, now let's begin....."
He quickly sat down, masking away his puzzled emotions like it was never there.
" Have a seat.... You propose a partnership yes?...."

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