Chapter 25

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Gina's POV

I was dumbfounded and silent.
The truth had just come crashing on, in me like that......

Her words flowed through my brain like a repeated concussion.
She's my aunt?!!!

I was totally perplexed and very much confused, nothing was making sense anymore.

I had an aunt......aunts even!! Obviously, she was the necromancer and she could read minds.....

Another, a werewolf with what?!!
A shimmering wolf with ice breath?!?
And the most absurd, My own real mother, the most powerful of them all.
A werewolf and a seer witch.

She raised her head with a deep huff of breath.
She couldn't speak, and her eyes were darting every where but my direction.

I was so overwhelmed and yet so deflated.
What was I supposed to do?!!

How do I know she's even telling the truth?!!
But what could she possibly gain from all of this if this was all a lie?!!
What the hell is the fucking problem anyway?!!

I took a deep breath, taking my time to make out the words on my mind.
"..........All these time you'd been keeping your eye on me?.....
Then why didn't you help me?!!"


"Why didn't you come when I needed help?!!
When I was rejected and ran?!
When my parents left me?....."


My voice was down to whispers and my head was becoming hazy, when suddenly her voice broke off the silence.

"_I couldn't!"
She uttered.
Her voice was back to the normal steady confident voice it was and her face was now as blank as ever.


She stayed silent.

I sighed and groaned in incommodation, heaving and breathing heavily. I immediately started to walk away, before she called my name.

"Regina, you need to find my sisters' child.
Something bad is about to become......"

Her poker face was still on and with the words she spoke, she seemed like a robot.
She didn't waver nor fear, plainly just staring and blinking.

"......I just need you to answer me!!!!......
  Why weren't you ever there?!!..
Why didn't any of you take me in when She was killed?!!!
What the hell is the problem?!!"

She stood up abruptly, admidst my yelling.
"'s time for you to go..."
Contrary to mine, her voice was much steady and her eyes were turbulent in a daze.


She looked down on me, with a small smile on her face.
"Goodbye Regina......"
She began to fizzle and faze right in front of me, her small smile disappearing as it got blurrier.

"No!.....Answer me!!!
Where are you going?!!!
Stop this!!!"
I was yelling and yelling, my head was throbbing and yet, my environ still changed before me.
Before long, I was back in the forest behind the Night moon Pack, and I got a scent of wolves furiously charging.

I strained.

I yelled.

But she didn't reply.
I was heaving, breathing and breathing very deep and very hardly.
I began charging towards the pack house, to meet Alpha Dylan, being dragged by Brucella, with a cheery and love striken smile on his face, listening to her giggles, I narrowed my gaze.


Gina was pumped up with anger and fury, and it was quickly known around the members as they saw her stomp towards their Alpha.

She growled.
Her shoulders were stiff and her lush blonde hair was now a deep raven black.
All the other members flinched when she passed by them and Brucella halted in place, Alpha Dylan's hand in hers.

Gina met his eyes and then her eyes moved to Brucella, her gaze scrutinizing her very closely, before she turned her gaze to there enclosed hands.
Her jaw clenched and her eyes closed, her fists were squeezed tight by her side and her black hair, began to glow and shine a dark light immomentarily.

She looked different.
She looked ferocious and very much furious.
Brucella unconsciously shivered at the thought of the implications the victor would certainly face.
It was still quite a mystery how this girl, that she'd clearly surpassed in age was much more powerful and wiser than she'd ever been.
Just how much she looked up to this Alpha of theirs.

Her voice rang through the mind link. Even in there, her voice was still very threatening.
"Alpha Dylan,  my office!!!!........"

He looked on at her with a frown etched over his face, and she narrowed her eyes to a tight line, drawing out a word from her mouth.
It was low and dark, like a sadonic sultry lullaby for the psychotic, and immediately, Dylan straightened up his back, following right behind her, to her office. 

She kicked open the door and it flew off it's hinges.
With a girn, she trailed over her desk.
The mess of the desk, plainly the blue prints and the contract.

She turned to him, with her hard face and her still clenched jaw.
"Gather all the pack warriors, mine and yours, every single one of them.
Place your beta and gamma on the back line of the arrangements, I'll call on mine too.
Gather all the other defenseless wolves and place them in the yet ongoing building. We'll both be afront the attacking wolves and outside the pack house or any buildings. We have a lot to fix at current, but soon......"

Her voice trailed and she furrowed her brows.
"Go now!....."

She began to mindlink her warriors and her gamma, her beta and the other wolves to coordinate with Alpha Dylan's order.
The scent of the far scent wolves was drawing nearer and it was only a matter of time before they got their scent.

She banged her hands on her desk in frustration.
She was still feeling angry at the damned truth.
Everything she went through, they just watched on the sidelines like that?.....

Her anger was like a bile trudging her throat and her brain was still very much unworking.
This anger was gnawing at her at her stomach, fury was fluttering in her chest again.

It was like her emotions were roaring and burning like an ever vibrant furnace. It was becoming uncontrollable, just like that night with the five Alphas, something was clawing up her spine.
Something was getting wrong, and she'd begun to see it since the rogue times, but what worse was it yet?......

She got the mindlink to inform her of their compliance, and for a while now, she let out a small dark smile.
Well how about that?, It was time for her to embroaden her pack's reign.

It was high time she showed them who's trash........

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