chapter 24

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Gina's POV

I slammed the door of the car as I got out.
Agitated at the bottom of my heart.

At least we got the contract steady, that's all I needed.

I headed off to my room to change, getting in some red jeans and black top.

Somehow, maybe from the overthrow or the submission of this Alpha, I figured I could mind link the members of this pack.

Although so, when I mind link my own pack, I still go unheard by these.

I headed off to my new office, hearing some grunts and slapping of skin in the next office beside mine.
I rolled my eyes and tined out their grunts from my ears as much as possible.

Working on the contract and blueprints of the new industry, I once again, stared at the contract.

Of course I knew he wouldn't ever comply since I'd forced him too.
Now, all I needed was his resistance.
That could get me the funds we needed in excess.

I finished off in a few hours, two after noon, and went out of the office to the training grounds, to meet my warriors vigorously training.
Brucella, showing them the does and don'ts and helping the new rookies.

The warriors of this pack had joined in the trainings but still weren't able to catch up.
Although I can't blame them, it really is quite the training, but, what do you expect if we really want to overthrowu former pack, and put them in place.
And it seems, it'll come much more sooner than I expected.

Alpha Dylan walked up to me, with a note in his hands.
I smiled at the familiar emblem.
Oh how much I'd waited for this.....

He whispered.
"They've finally sent a message after six weeks....... what will they do?...."

I smiled stunningly.
He frowned seeing my reaction.
"Did you want this to happen?!!"

I reached out and grabbed the letter from his hands.
In it was a little note with a threatening initial.

  Expect me there...

I sighed in contentment, handing over the letter back to Dylan.
"Here, keep this. We need to get ready, they'll be here soon."
My face hardening at every thought I got on them.

"How much soon?.."
He asked with a grim expression and a fazed sight.

"Much more sooner than I expected. We'll even have a bonus........"
I smiled and moved over to the pack house, draping my towel over my neck.

As we walked together, I thought of one more meeting I had to go through, so I sped off to my room for a quick shower.

Then, I moved over to my room for a new plan.
I had to be very careful and ready.
Two attacks was certainly no joke.

At dusk, the training were being concluded. Warrior guards were shifting posts and Alpha Dylan was busy with Brucella.
Don't know how they worked it out and honestly I don't want to know......

I'd finished out plans, and also my office work had been finished so I bet it was time.

I walked off steadily to the forest adjacent the pack house.
I stopped in a clearing and muttered in a whisper.

Immediately, I heard a whizz of breeze pass through me and I closed my eyes from the impact.
Opening them up, I found I was in a forest clearing, on the edge of a cliff, in an unknown forest.

At my side in a far edge of the cliff, almost laying at nothing, I saw the familiar cave, with the ever ominous pull, calling me in.

The same writings with the same eery feeling.

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