Underworld Chapter 60 - Recovery

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...and into sleep. Link wasn't sure how long he was asleep. He dipped in and out, and could barely remember his dreams. When he did start to wake up again, he remembered pressing his mind to try and hold on to them, but they slipped away as he opened his eyes.

He sat up with a start. He was in a bed, and based on the mixture of light outside, he was back in Underborough. Based on the details of the room of finer wood over ancient stone, he figured he was somewhere in Mayor Octan's house.

"Finally awake then, dear?"

Link's eyes drifted over to the other bed in the room. Resting her head on the wall, with a book in her right hand, Zeal briefly paused to study him. She then returned to her book, using her thumb to turn the page. The other arm hung by her side and ended near the elbow.

"How long was I asleep?" Link asked.

"Nearly a day, which isn't all that bad considering how far you'd extended yourself. I was told to point out the bottles on the dresser when you woke," Zeal said, motioning to two red and blue concoctions sitting on a dresser between their beds.

Link watched Zeal in his periphery out of habit, though Zeal made no move towards him as he took the two potions and downed them. Recorking the second one, he asked, "How are you?"

"Oh, a little worse for wear," she said as she closed her book. She then extending her other arm with a brief flash of pain on her face. Lowering it again, she went on, "But whole in all ways that matter. Thanks to you, love."

The flinch had been reactionary on Link's part, but he still felt guilty. Zeal noted this and quickly waved it off, "Young Hero, this is the least of my injuries. I've seen far worse in my time with our Demon Lord. Not to mention the number he did up here." She motioned to her head.

"I could have done better," Link murmured, hopefully too quietly for Zeal to hear.

"Unlikely. That mirror was made for me from a reflection of the Dark World, and it kept me trapped for nearly three decades after my first visit to it. The fact that you were able to fight its control and maintain the Vambraces for so long would have driven most mortals to their limits long before you did," Zeal said, pushing herself up off the wall and to the edge of the bed.

When Link didn't respond, she rolled her eyes. "I am not well enough for this. Listen, dear, I mean this genuinely. I didn't deserve to be spared in the first place, regardless of the enchantments on my mind. The fact that you and my successor could succeed in bringing me out of that spell was more than I ever deserved. This is a small price to pay."

"You don't have magic anymore," Link countered softly.

Zeal waved the comment off as well. "Good. A lot of good it did me. I am happy to be relieved of the title of Sage."

Link smiled just a little at Zeal's casual conversation. It was odd, after everything they'd been through. But he was glad, despite the losses, that Endeavor had spared her.

"What happens to you now?" Link asked.

"Now that's a matter of great debate, love. And mostly up to my daughter," Zeal said with a sigh, her eyes getting big for a moment. She shrugged and turned back to Link. "But a trial, I imagine, after this is all done. I'm sure the moment I step out of these caves I'll have a target on my back from both sides. My loathing for the place aside, I will be quite content training our new Soul Sage in the meantime and passing on what I know about our enemies' plans. Much safer for me here, and more I can do to make up for lost time."

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