Underworld Chapter 61 - Unspoken

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...and out into Underborough. Link knew people were staring. His headdress was haphazard at best. But it did cover his face entirely and that's what they needed right now. So long as it didn't fall apart in the next hour.

Fortunately, traveling with Octan and a very clearly irritated Endeavor had its advantages. The crowd gave their trio a wide berth as they made their way to the central plaza and then broke off down a row of artisans.

Off the road was a small inn, with a sitting area spanning out into the streets. Of all the places in Underborough that Link had seen, this had the highest concentration of Keaton and Goriya, a dog-like race similar to the Moblins in stature. While a few Blins closer in stature to Princess also mingled among the crowd, it was clear this was a haven for Cleff's visitors.

Secluded at a table tucked into the wall of the building, was Echo. The bright cyan streak in her hair made her obvious. She only had one other companion with her as they approached, though neither seemed particularly surprised to see the group headed for their table, even with Link's very brash disguise.

"Mr. Mayor, what a wonderful surprise!" Echo said, very clearly sliding a purple gemstone over the table to her companion. The other individual appeared to be Keaton, but there was something different that Link couldn't place. Perhaps it was that he'd only been around one Keaton before, but the small buds of antlers seemed distinctly not inline with his expectations.

"You were expecting us?" Octan asked, a little shocked. A few of his hands went up to block his mouth.

"Oh, I wasn't. But my friend here was. She's a fortune teller," Echo said, motioning to her companion. Under closer inspection, Link almost thought they were related, Echo the younger of the two.

"I had a feeling we'd be in for some trouble," Echo's friend replied with a sly grin.

"I don't believe we've met," Octan said, extending a hand out. "Ms..."

"Hart, and you don't need the title. They don't fit me." Hart took his hands and shook them briefly.

Endeavor gave a loud "ahem" that made Octan retreat, though he was clear about his annoyance in the matter. There was a soft "how rude" as he stepped back and Endeavor took his place.

"What can you tell us about what is happening in Cleff?" Endeavor asked as she leaned over the table. Link stepped forward to pull her back a step, but he could feel the irritation radiating off her and stayed back instead.

It didn't matter though, both of the Keaton at the table got quiet. Hart pulled out a deck of cards and began shuffling them next to her companion, very clearly not making eye contact.

Echo gave her friend a narrow look before turning back to Endeavor. "I can't talk about that."

"You will have to, we do not have time to wait," Endeavor insisted. "Hyrule is on the brink of war, and I do not have time for games."

"No, I mean I—I can't talk about it. And definitely not here," Echo replied, motioning around the crowded inn. "It could cause problems."

Before Endeavor could throw another barbed comment, Link stepped in. "You mean, physically, you can't say anything?"

A wide grin spread over Echo's face as she recognized his voice. She nudged Hart beside her who only briefly looked up. "Not my problem yet, hun."

Echo chuckled to herself, before looking back at Link. "Yeah, that sums it up."

"Could you...write it down?" he asked.

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