Dungeon Chapter 65 - Backrooms

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...into the storage area that Insen had described. It was a large square shaped chamber carved out of a cave that had already been here. The age of the chamber hung on the walls. Overhead, daylight filtered in through narrow openings to spotlight paths between the rows of crates, barrels, and shelves shaping the space.

More pressingly was the massive statue sitting in the center of the room, slowly rotating a glowing red eye at the top. It had been some time since Link had encountered an armos, and those had not been nearly this size.

Link and Endeavor ducked behind the closest row of crates as the eye began to pass back towards the door. It didn't linger at the not-so-subtle sound of their movement as the shadow had, and continued its path when it saw nothing.

Craning his head around the edge, Link scanned the room for any signs of Hira. While he couldn't quite make out the singer, he could still here the steady singing voice from a platform raised above the ground floor they were on.

There was a collapsed ladder over the armos that looked like it could be dropped to access the catwalks and the platform where Hira's singing was coming from, but it would need the armos moved for the ladder to have room.

Unfortunately, Link couldn't see a weak point on the back of this armos like the others he had faced. And thus, no clear route forward.

"Any ideas?" Link asked Endeavor.

"To defeat that, no," Endeavor admitted as she peaked around the end of her own cover. "It almost seems like it would be easier to move than defeat."

"It can't be indestructible," Link said, half to himself.

"It could be to anything but itself. But if you think you could reflect its beam, be my guest." Endeavor waved her hand at it before they both ducked behind cover again as the armos made another pass.

"Very funny," Link answered with a shake of his head. But Endeavor was right. He didn't see any weakness in the armor. It would be easier to move.

"What about these crates? Could we force some cover to get closer?" Link pointed out a number of the taller boxes they could hide behind.

Endeavor motioned overhead. "We could, but I do not see the good it would do if we cannot get that ladder lower."

"How could we move it?" Link asked.

"Perhaps the Vambraces?" Endeavor suggested, though Link seemed hesitant. This thing seemed entirely too large to walk. Though he guessed so had the other statues he moved.

Still, it was the only start they had. Crouching full behind the box he was hiding behind, Link pulled the Vambraces on and let his mind extend out through them.

He drifted over the room for a moment, hoping to see something, anything, that might help. Just before he connected his mind to the armos, he thought he made out the outline of tracks buried underneath the boxes.

When his mind connected with the armos, his suspicions were both confirmed. The statue itself couldn't move, it was too heavy and resistant to the tug he tried to move it with. However, it did seem to be resting on something that could move.

More surprising though, Link realized that when he was controlled the armos, he could stop its eye from turning. He pressed a little harder with his mind, and the laser lit up, a beam shooting out into the wall he was facing.

After the blast, Link quickly retreated his consciousness back to his own body. He realized his heart was beating a little faster, a hint of a thrill still leaving his body as he returned. Looking over at Endeavor, she looked a little surprised.

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