Chapter 29. I Don't Remember

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This chapter takes place after chapter 28.

Solar's perspective:

Solar wakes up to Ruin on top of him, pinning him to his bed.


Ruin looks at Solar, a blushing face and somewhat worried expression.


"... I just need to tell you something-"

"It looks like you're about to fuck me-"

"... Oh- oh no- um- do you want that?"

"... Maybe later..."

Ruin sits down on the bed, Solar sat up to better look at them.

"So... Whats up?"

"... I am gonna go somewhere, to talk to some people... and I can't have you coming with, or anyone else for that matter. Though you need to stay in this room until we are gone."

"Is something gonna happen-?"

"... No, I just want to make sure you don't see anything unnecessary with this, I'm trying to keep you safe- ok?"

"... From what exactly-?"

"... I haven't told you- really anything about my family right?"


"... Theres a reason for that... and preferably, I wouldn't have to tell you- though I promise you I will tell you everything one day... Ok?"

"... Ok... Are you going by yourself-?"

"Yeah. This is my business, and I don't want the rest of you getting involved..."

"I don't think the others are gonna take this so well-"

"They don't have a choice. I'm their captain. They'll have to listen."

"Ok... So I'm trapped in this room-?"

"Yup. You're not exiting even for a second."

"What about breakfast?"

"I'll get it for you."

"Uh- ok- can you at least eat here with me?"
"I will."

Ruin kisses Solar on the forehead, and exits the room.

... That was... Suspicious...

I'm sure it's fine...


It's fine.

They'll be fine.

Ruin steps back into the room, a plate of food in hand, and gives it to Solar, sitting down next to his side.

"Thank you love-"

"No problem. I'd do anything for you."

Solar chuckles a bit, taking a bite out of his food afterwards, Ruin was playing with his hair.

"You're beautiful."

"Th-Thank you- so are you Ruin-"

"Hm. We can have sex later, right?"

"Huh- yeah-"

"Can I prep you now?"

"I don't think it'd still be prepped by the time- we actually do it-?"

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