Chapter 3: The war

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"I'm just sick and tired of this, Isabella. She's just a nasty little brat who wants attention," I say.

"Miella, sorry, but don't even. You're acting like this is a huge deal, like, relax, it's a tiny secret. Every day people always bully me and spread rumours about me, but I deal with it," Isabella says.

"Are you serious?! Why are you always trying to make everything about you? Yeah, I get it, it's not a big deal, but soon, it's going to get bigger and bigger. Plus, she's still such a fake friend, like you," I say in an annoyed voice.

"You weren't the cousin who I thought you were," Isabella says, sounding upset.

"Have fun paying," I say, walking out of the restaurant. I quickly ran back to class as my third period was about to start. As I walked by, suddenly, I saw Charlotte with Gwen and her other friends, but they were fighting. So, like any human would, I walked up to see what was happening. It was not a surprise to see Gwen fighting with someone once again, but I'd never seen her this mad before. They were accusing Gwen of doing something that I didn't know about, so I went to ask Charlotte.

"What are you guys doing?!" I ask.

"Well, are you going to answer that, Gwen?" Charlotte says in a stressed voice.

"I swear I didn't do anything! Yeah, I hate you guys and all, but I would never do that!" Gwen says, sounding worried.

"Woah, let's take it back a little because my head is spinning," I say.

"Well, you know the tweet about you that was so funny? Yeah, well, these little brats are accusing me of posting it on Charlotte's account because apparently, she never did," Gwen says.

"Yes, you did! Don't even lie," Charlotte yells. I am so confused. I feel sick. I'm not sure if it's from everything that's happened or just me. It's like a war is going on. First, I fight with Isabella, then I fight with Charlotte, and now all this Charlotte and Gwen stuff is happening. I just want to go home because I'm in so much mental and physical pain right now. Finally, it's the end of the day at school. I go home, but then I remember I have stupid science homework. So, I stayed up all night doing my homework. When I remembered, I could figure out who hacked Charlotte. So, I did a bit of research, and I got nothing. At this point, everything was hopeless. I can't even help my best friend. But I've got to give it to the person who hacked Charlotte; they're good at hiding their identity. I go to sleep because I'm exhausted until Lamitta calls me. I pick up the call after the first three rings.

"Girl, what took you so long?" Lamitta says.

"Sorry, I was about to go to bed. Why are you calling me this late anyway?" I say in a tired voice.

"I need to tell you something important. I think you're going to want to hear it," Lamitta says.

"But I can't tell you now. I have to tell you in person," Lamitta says.

"What is it? Just tell me now, please," I pleaded.

"Okay, fine. Just one second," Lamitta says. I hear Lamitta rustling something.

"Lamitta, is this the time to be getting chips?" I ask.

"Hey! I'm hungry, and I'm about to tell you a whole script, so be ready," Lamitta says. I roll my eyes.

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