Chapter 5: Oh no!

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"I just have the urge to check what's on Twitter, but at the same time, I still want to know. However, once again, my intrusive thoughts take over, so I go check to see what's on Twitter. I just couldn't help but notice that everyone kept laughing and gasping at their phones. So, I checked my phone, and this time, Isabella posted something.

"Just to let you all in on one thing, Miella has evil anxiety attacks, and she takes pills for it. Just watch out, she's a freak," Isabella's tweet says.

Are you serious?! Not again. Why does everyone have to spread rumours about me!? And this time, it's not even true. Why would Isabella say something like that? I get that a friend might do something like that, but my cousin?! This is going way too far, and I mean it. This time I need to speak up and say something.

I posted a video on TikTok addressing that those rumours were all fake, but no one believed me, and there was nothing but hate comments. Until then, I had an amazing idea. I decided to post a secret about Isabella that no one knows to finally get revenge.

"Hey everyone, just clearing the air here. Isabella tried to stir up drama with lies about me, but let's get real. She's the clueless one. Stay tuned for the truth." I tweet. There, that should work. And, she can't argue with me because it's true. Ha ha, I can't wait to see her reaction.

I walked up to her. "What did you do!?" Isabella yells.

"What? I did you a favour and told everyone the truth," I say, laughing.

"Why?! I get it we got into a fight, but this is too far. Don't ever go near me again!" she says.

"Don't even act like you didn't post a personal tweet about me. You're fake like plastic. Oh, and don't worry, I don't even want to go near you," I say.

"What are you talking about? I didn't write anything about you?" Isabella says.

"Oh, don't even. I know what you did! And you do too," I say.

"No, I don't! You know what, I'm not going to spend my time fighting with nobody!" Isabella says.

"Good," I yell as Isabella walks away. I walk up to the cafeteria and go sit next to Lamitta, but she immediately gets up and sits next to Isabella.

"Why did you just ignore me? I didn't do anything," I ask Lamitta.

"You're unbelievable," I mutter as I approach Charlotte.

"I can't believe she said that!" I exclaim, my frustration palpable.

"You saw it!?" Charlotte asks, her eyes wide with concern.

"Unfortunately. I can't believe it! I never want to see her again, Char," I say, my voice dripping with frustration and hurt.

"I know, maybe it wasn't her. Do you remember how someone hacked into my account and tweeted that secret about you? Maybe that happened to her," Charlotte suggests, trying to offer a glimmer of hope.

"I doubt that. She was mad at me before, so the puzzle fits," I reply, my tone bitter with resentment.

"Exactly! That would give the hacker the chance to post the Tweet!" Charlotte exclaims, her excitement growing as she pieces together the possibility.

"Yeah, maybe, but I'm still so mad at her," I say, my anger simmering beneath the surface.

"For what? I just gave you an explanation," Charlotte points out, her voice tinged with frustration at my stubbornness.

"You don't know that for sure, Charlotte; you just assumed," I counter, my tone defensive.

"I know, but there is a chance!" Charlotte says, her optimism unwavering.

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