Chapter 4: You liar!

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   "What happened?" I ask. "And I have no time to waste; I'm tired."

"Ok, ok. Well, I know who hacked into Charlotte's account to post the tweet," Lamitta says.

"Well, what are you waiting for? Tell me who," I say in an eager voice.

"Ok, it was, believe it or not, Jonny," Lamitta says.

"WHAT?! No way, it can't be him, he's a nerd!" I exclaim, thoroughly surprised.

"Yeah, I know, I'm so surprised," Lamitta says, her tone tinged with sarcasm.

"Um, okay, well, I'm going to bed now; I'm exhausted," I announce.

"Ok, bye," we hung up. There was something off about Lamitta in that call. She seemed nervous, which was sort of creeping me out. I wondered what was wrong. I woke up the next morning feeling miserable. I still went to school because I had a history test. I am so nervous because I didn't study. Oh well.

"Hey, are you finally gonna talk to me?" Charlotte asks.

"Yes, and I'm sorry. I know it wasn't you who posted the tweet; it was Jonny," I apologize.

"Huh? What? No, it wasn't Johnny, and that's a certainty. He doesn't have any electronics, let alone social media. His mom is super strict," Charlotte says, sounding confused.

"What?! But that's what Lamitta said. That little liar," I express my disappointment.

"I can't believe she would lie. It's okay, maybe she didn't know," Charlotte tries to reassure me.

As I stroll to my first class, I exchange waves with familiar faces. Suddenly, my phone rings; Isabella is calling. What's with everyone calling me today? I declined her call because I was not in the mood to talk. With everything happening, and the impending test weighing on my mind, I feel overwhelmed. Eventually, I completed the test and requested permission to use the bathroom. Upon entering, I find Gwen and her friends chatting about some boy or something. Honestly, they need to grow up.

"What are you guys talking about?" I interject with a hint of sass.

"Not like it's any of your business, but we're discussing the new boy who just transferred; he's so hot," Amy responds.

"What? Who? Where?" I inquire eagerly.

"Haha, someone has a little crush," Heather teases.

"Oh, shut up. I bet he looks like you. And by the way, that's not a compliment," I retort, feeling a pang of jealousy.

"Whatever you say, Miss Jealousy," Trinity scoffs as they exit the bathroom. Meanwhile, Isabella calls me again. This time, I answer.

"Why didn't you pick it up earlier?! You always do this, and it's so annoying!" Isabella's voice comes through, laced with frustration.

"I don't always have to answer you. I don't want to talk, just stop!" I assert in an aggressive tone.

"First Lamitta lied to me, and now you're yelling at me?! This is useless!" I yell back.

"What are you even talking about?" Isabella asks, clearly confused.

"She said that Jonny wrote the tweet, but then I asked Charlotte, and she said his mom doesn't even let him have electronics," I explained.

"Maybe she didn't know. Stop taking everything so seriously, gosh," Isabella suggests.

"Listen, if you're just going to take her side and be annoying, I'm hanging up," I state, irritation evident in my voice.

"Whatever, I don't care. You're just a drama starter," Isabella retorts before we hang up. I can't believe her, but it's something she would say. I just can't seem to have a normal day without getting into an argument with someone. I decided to focus on my homework and get it over with. Suddenly, Nano barges into the room.

"What are you doing?" I ask.

"No, what are YOU doing?" Nano counters.

"I'm doing my homework, now get out," I reply firmly.

"Did you see what happened on Twitter?" Nano inquires a hint of excitement in his voice.

"No, I don't have time to go on Twitter," I responded, feeling exasperated.

Nano starts laughing. "Go check," he suggests.

"No!" I snap, feeling overwhelmed.

"You're going to regret that, but okay," Nano remarks. I attempted to focus on my homework for about half an hour, but the situation kept distracting me. How could I not be preoccupied? Then, a text from Charlotte pops up:

"Did you see what was on Twitter?"

What's with everyone and Twitter?

"No, I didn't, and I surely don't plan to," I reply.

"Well, you might want to have a look, but suit yourself," Charlotte responds. I'm kind of curious about what's on Twitter that's so important, but I have a feeling that I'm going to regret looking at it. So, I listen to my gut and decide to just go to sleep.

The next morning, I groggily prepared for school, still feeling tired from staying up late last night. It's not entirely my fault; the overthinking got to me. As I arrive at school, I notice everyone whispering and talking. I wonder what the secret is. I hope it's not related to the tweet Nano and Charlotte were discussing because I still haven't read it. What if it's about me? What if it's another secret? Here I go again with the overthinking, unable to ignore the stares from everyone around me. I'm really curious about this tweet.

"So, did you see it?" Charlotte asks.

"No, I don't have time to look at a silly little tweet. I bet it's nothing, right?" I responded.

"Oh, Miella, it's WAY more than nothing. You might wanna check it out," Charlotte insists, attempting to show me on her phone.

"No, I don't want to traumatize myself, thanks," I decline.

"Whatever, but don't say I didn't warn you," Charlotte says, sounding resigned.

"Don't worry, I won't" I say.

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