42 | falls apart

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February, 1995.

The next morning, Draco scoffed at the Daily Prophet during breakfast.

In the paper, there was a moving photo of Viktor and Joey talking in private. They were both smiling, but Draco could tell her smile was wry with the way her eyes stayed cold.

Rita Skeeter wrote a bunch of bullshit about them being forbidden lovers and Viktor being a protective boyfriend and Joey getting all defensive.

Under normal circumstances, Draco would be furious and downright jealous about this piece in the paper. But because he and Joey needed to keep a distance when Rita was around, he was fine. He knew Joey was his girlfriend and only his. Plus, she had told him the day before—the day of the second task—about Viktor congratulating her.

She even warned Draco about the photo Rita had captured of her and Viktor and what lies she was writing down in the process.

And also Draco needed to ensure that himself and Joey were never going to be on the paper because his father read the Daily Prophet.

There was no issue between Draco and Joey because they communicated and they trusted each other. It was as simple as that.


"He's surely going to leave her."

Joey's ears went alert at the talk coming from the aisle behind the table she was sitting at in the library. Her back was toward the gossipers behind her.

"I mean, everyone knows Draco Malfoy doesn't have girlfriends," a girl said in a hushed voice. "He's got to be experimenting or something."

"It's only been a month or so," another girl replied in an equally hushed voice. "The first few months are always the honeymoon months. After that, he's going to be done with her."

"I mean, she's a Muggle-born for crying out loud," Girl One said, baffled. "Draco's as pure as they come—the Malfoy heir. They aren't going to last."

"He's probably just using her for sex," Girl Two said blandly. "If it's not that, then she must give good head."

"All I know is that after their honeymoon phase is done, he's going to be done with her," Girl One said importantly. "I shall prepare myself for when the time comes."

Girl Two scoffed. "Could you be any more desperate?"

"Draco Malfoy is an exception. He's beautiful," Girl One said matter-of-factly.

"Can't argue with you there." Girl Two giggled. "Right, come on. We need to go find that book."

When their footsteps receded, Joey glanced over her shoulder to see if she could catch a glimpse of who it was. She was too late though, as the girls were out of sight.

She looked down at her homework and tried to brush off what she overheard. She tried to refocus on her homework, but the words on her page were swimming around. The only thing she could hear was the words from the first girl.

All I know is that after their honeymoon phase is done, he's going to be done with her.

The words rang in her head like an obnoxious bell. It made her chest a little tight, because was what they said true? Would Draco leave her after the so-called honeymoon phase was over?

Joey knew of the honeymoon phase. Nayun had gushed about it during their first few months of dating Luna. Their honeymoon phase didn't seem to have ended and it had been over a year.

Unable to do any more work, Joey packed up her things and rose from her seat to leave the library.


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