41 | second task

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February, 1995.

"Happy one-month anniversary, Jellybean!"

"What?" Joey mused with a frown and crossed her legs upon the couch she was seated at in her common room. "Our one-month? That's today?"

"Awe, okay, I'm gonna pretend I'm not hurt by that." Draco tossed her a faux smile before he rolled his eyes and lowered himself on the edge of the coffee table in front of her, dressed for classes. He had one hand behind his back. "Yes, Joey. Today is our one-month anniversary."

"I thought our one-month would be the day we met at Mr. Bubble Tea during the holidays," she said slowly, muddled.

"No, because I wasn't your boyfriend then. We were just seeing each other. When I became your boyfriend on January seventeenth, it made it official," he explained simply, followed by a sour glare. "And anyway, even if it was that day, you wouldn't have remembered."

"Oh, I'm sorry." Her frown deepened and her eyes drooped guiltily. "I'm not really good with this stuff. Happy one-month anniversary, Malfoy."

"It's okay, precious." A small smile glinted at his sensuous lips. "I was only teasing you. But happy one-month to us."

She smiled and he cupped her cheeks largely in his palms as he leaned in to give her a longing kiss.

"For you, my wonderful girlfriend." Leaning back, he removed his hand from behind his back where he held a bouquet of lush red roses and sunflowers with baby's breath flowers poking through the bright colours.

"It is seven in the morning." She stared at him and his hypnotizing eyes. "How in Merlin's tit did you get flowers already?"

"That's for me to know only." He looked so happy and proud. "I didn't know whether or not you'd want just roses or just sunflowers since they're both your favourites, so I just put them together and I think they look rather lovely."

Her heart absolutely melted. "Draco," she crooned with an awed frown. "You are the definition of perfect."

"You are perfect." He tossed her a sideways smirk and handed her the bouquet.

Joey took the bouquet with a giddy smile and sniffed the soft petals of the roses and sunflowers. "They're beautiful. Thank you."

"Anything for my darling." Draco murmured, and dropped his hands onto her thighs comfortably. "So what do you want to do for our one-month, hm?"

"It's seven in the morning," she pointed out. "And we have classes in less than an hour."

"We can—"

"I can't ditch," she immediately said, shaking her head. "I have an exam in Charms and Dark Arts."

"Hmm..." He grabbed her book from her lap to close it before placing it next to him on the coffee table.

She'd come down to the empty common room to read because she woke up oddly at six, which was too early. She did fall asleep early the night before, so that was probably why.

"We can go out after classes?" he suggested, grabbing her legs to uncross them.

"I have work," she whispered gingerly, and placed the bouquet next to her carefully.

"You're kidding." He frowned and drew her onto his lap by her hips, her legs dangling on either side of his thighs. His large hands circled around her waist. "You've been working so much lately, darling."

"I know, but I need the money," she said quietly as she curled her arms around his neck. "We— We can hang out in your dorm later, can't we?"

His chest fell as he heaved a breath and nodded reluctantly. "I suppose," he muttered, gazing at her face as he brushed her hair behind her ear and behind her shoulder to expose her neck. "But I really want to do something remotely special. Jellybean, this is our one-month anniversary. That's a milestone."

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