44 | just hormones

58 4 1

March, 1995.

Joey's eyes darted between all her mates' faces as they stood around her during Charms class.

Imani and Devonte were bickering about who was right and who was wrong, and Nayun was reading over the hand movement for the spells they were supposed to be practicing. Just some more defensive spells.

Joey stood, leaning against the stone wall behind her since they'd chosen a corner to practice in. Her wand was in her hand, absently tapping it against her leg.

She really wanted to talk to her friends about something, though she wasn't exactly sure how to open up the discussion. It was about sex.

"Look, go stand over there," Imani demanded impatiently while she pointed her finger at the cushions across from them.

"No, you go stand over there," Devonte barked back furiously. "I don't like your sass, missy."

"And I don't like your lack of common sense, you wanker," she drawled, now aiming her wand at his chest.

"I do have common sense," he protested defensively. "But I'm telling you that you're wrong for this. The hand movement is—"

"Hey, guys?" Joey's voice tore through their bickering.

"Yes, thank you for volunteering, Jo-Jo." Devonte shot her a look of gratitude. "Go stand over by the cushions please—"

"No, I have something to ask you guys," she clarified as she tucked the loose locks of hair that fell from her low ponytail behind her ear. "Something not related to this."

"Oh." Nayun looked equally shocked and intrigued. "What's up?"

Joey motioned for the three of them to come closer, ensuring that no one in the room would hear what she was about to ask them.

"Tickle me pink," Devonte whispered with a crooked grin.

The three ladies stared at him. Imani uttered, "What?"

"Isn't that the same thing as saying 'colour me intrigued'?" he mused as his stare bounced between the three of his friends. "No? Yes?"

"Er... I don't think so," Joey slowly responded, unsure. "I think tickle me pink means happy or amused, Von."

"Oh..." His brows furrowed in wonder. "Okay, well, that was humbling. Moving on. What were you saying, Jo-Jo?"

She hesitated and rubbed her palms together with her wand in between, spinning it slowly. "How did you guys know when you were ready to lose your virginity?"

Imani and Nayun gasped at the same time, whereas Devonte's jaw fell open as he said, "No way."

Joey felt the blood rush to her face. "Please, don't make this a big deal."

"You think you're ready to have sex with Malfoy?" Nayun whispered, hugging herself with her wand in hand.

"I-I think so? I don't know." The other girl matched the whisper, face frowned with uncertainty. "I mean, I know we said we were gonna take it slow, but I don't think I want to anymore. H-How did you guys know when you were ready?"

"You four!"

The four of them snapped their heads to the front of the class to see Flitwick eyeing them. "Yes, sir?" they all blurted in unison. Devonte added, "Us four?"

"Am I looking at you four?"

"I dunno." Devonte squinted. "I can't really see from here. I may need to get my eyes checked, sir."

"I don't see you practicing," Flitwick countered with a raise of his eyebrow. "Save the gossip for after class. Get to practicing. Go on."

"We'll continue this talk at lunch," Imani quickly murmured.

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