The prank

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In the forsaken and desolate land of Chikuni, where barren hills met a gloomy sky, a chilling tale unfolded. The fate of a young life was sealed by a cruel and ill-conceived prank.

Esili was a frail and timid girl, an outcast among her peers. Her shy nature and withdrawn ways drew the contempt of her classmates. One mischievous boy, Chisulo, decided to make Esili his target.

With a group of his friends, Chisulo devised a plan to play a 'harmless' joke on her. They spread rumors that a dangerous animal had been sighted near the village graveyard. They then told Esili to stay away from the area, knowing full well that her fear would drive her there.

As night descended, Esili found herself drawn to the forbidden graveyard. Her heart pounding in her chest, she crept cautiously along the overgrown path. Suddenly, she heard an ominous growl. Terror surged through her as she ran screaming into the darkness.

Behind her, Chisulo and his friends erupted in laughter. They had intended for Esili to scare herself silly, but their cruel jest had taken a sinister turn. Amidst the commotion, they failed to notice that Esili had stumbled into a shallow ditch.

As the moon bathed the graveyard in an eerie glow, Esili lay alone and helpless. Her cries for help were drowned out by the wind whistling through the deserted tombstones. The hyena that had been preying on livestock had been attracted by her screams.

Slowly, silently, it approached Esili. Fear paralyzed her as it bared its jagged teeth and lunged. Her small body was tossed aside like a rag doll. The hyena tore at her flesh, its growls echoing through the desolate night.

When Chisulo and his friends finally realized the horror they had unleashed, it was too late. Esili's life had been extinguished by their cruel prank. Guilt and remorse washed over them as they witnessed the gruesome aftermath.

In the following days, the village of Chikuni mourned the loss of an innocent life. Esili's death became a chilling reminder of the consequences of reckless actions. Chisulo and his friends were branded as outcasts, their laughter replaced by the haunting specter of what they had done.

As time passed, the story of Esili's tragic demise was passed down through generations. It became a cautionary tale about the dangers of unchecked mischief and the importance of compassion. And so, the barren hills of Chikuni bore witness to the devastating power of a prank that had forever scarred its inhabitants.

Iam a villagerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora