My story

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#### Chapter 1: Roots in Chikuni Village

Chikuni Village, nestled in the southern part of Zambia, is a place of natural beauty and close-knit community. Surrounded by lush forests and rolling hills, the village is a serene sanctuary where the rhythms of life are dictated by the seasons. Here, amidst the verdant landscape and the warmth of its people, my story begins.

Born to a family of farmers, I grew up in a modest home with my parents and four siblings. My parents worked tirelessly to ensure we had food on the table and an education, despite the limited resources available. My father, a hardworking man with calloused hands from years of labor, always emphasized the importance of education. “Knowledge is the key to a better future,” he would often say, his eyes gleaming with hope.

From a young age, I was captivated by the stories my grandfather told me about our ancestors and their resilience. These stories instilled in me a deep sense of pride in my heritage and a determination to pursue my dreams, no matter how lofty they seemed from the confines of our small village.

#### Chapter 2: Early Education and Challenges

Chikuni Village had a single primary school, a humble building with cracked walls and broken windows. Despite its dilapidated state, it was a beacon of hope for many children like me. Every morning, I walked several miles to get to school, often barefoot, with a small satchel containing a few tattered books.

My teacher, Mrs. Nkomo, was a remarkable woman who saw potential in every child. Her passion for teaching and her unwavering belief in us were inspiring. She often stayed after school to help us with difficult subjects, and it was under her guidance that I developed a love for learning, particularly in mathematics and science.

Despite my enthusiasm, there were many challenges. We lacked basic learning materials, and sometimes classes were disrupted by heavy rains that flooded our classroom. However, these hardships only fueled my determination. I was often up late into the night, studying by the light of a kerosene lamp, driven by the desire to make my family proud and lift us out of poverty.

#### Chapter 3: High School and New Horizons

After completing primary school, I was fortunate enough to earn a scholarship to attend a secondary school in a nearby town. This was a significant milestone, as it meant leaving the familiarity of Chikuni Village and venturing into a new environment. The transition was daunting, but it was also an exciting opportunity to broaden my horizons.

At high school, I encountered a more rigorous academic environment and met students from various backgrounds. The diversity of thought and experience was enriching, and I thrived academically. I became particularly interested in physics and economics, subjects that opened my eyes to the broader world and its complexities.

Despite being away from home, I never lost touch with my roots. During school breaks, I returned to Chikuni Village, where I tutored younger students and shared my experiences. I wanted to inspire them to pursue their dreams, just as my parents and teachers had inspired me.

#### Chapter 4: University Dreams

As I approached the end of high school, the dream of attending university became more tangible. However, the financial burden was immense. My parents had already sacrificed so much to support my education, and the thought of asking for more was heart-wrenching. Determined to find a way, I applied for every scholarship and grant I could find.

My hard work paid off when I was awarded a full scholarship to study at the University of Zambia. It was one of the happiest moments of my life, a testament to the power of perseverance and the support of my family and community.

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