chapter 2 - Unrequited

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Justin simply raised a brow at the request, “No way you are actually interested in someone.” He laughed while slamming a hand down on Leo’s shoulder, who glared lightly and not finding this amusing, “Nah nah man, come on. Follow me, I’ll hit you up.” He waved a hand for him to follow.

Out the skybox, down the stairs and onto the main floor where dull neon lights flared, Justin led him over towards the door where the staff’s break room quarters sat. Inside was a hodgepodge of costumes, feathers, silks, props, personal belongings, snacks, drinks and shoes. The sound of laughter echoed further up the hall, but Justin made a sharp right at a closed door after a rough knock.

The door opened to show the room full of his performers, all women half clothed as they eyed their boss and his esteemed guest. They fluttered their lashes at them, they were all shooed away. Pouts formed before they returned to their assigned dressing stations.

Kamari was sitting down on a long couch made of suede, patting her dewy face with a towel while enacting care and precision to not ruin her makeup that was pristinely done. Her eyes peered up when they came in, smiling as she reached for Justin's hand to shake it, “Hopefully that performance is as you asked?” She asked.

Justin looked at Leo with a smirk, “Well?” He asked.

"I enjoyed it." Leo commented as he crossed his arms to stare down at her playfully. She returned the gesture and flipped her hair. Tossing the rich perfume of Coco Chanel into the air where it hit his nose.

"Then I'm happy to hear. I aim to entertain.”

"Cute little rhyme there." Leo wagged his brows.

Kamari simply fluttered her lashes, "Justin, you have failed to introduce me to your…" She eyed him up and down, "Friend."

"This is Leo, one of our biggest patrons." Justin slammed a hand against Leo's shoulder with a wide grin, "Big player here too so you keep watch of yourself." He winked

"Hey, rude!!" Leo shoved him back. "Least I still treat people here decently." He turned his nose upward.

"Yeah yeah, real charmer." Justin mocked. There was a sudden soft jingle that radiated from his pocket. He pulled out his phone and brought it to his ear, greeting whoever it was on the other side, “Be right back, my dude. Hang with Kamari for a bit.”

Leo watched Justin leave the room to take the call, and he dragged his attention back to Kamari who adjusted herself on the couch. A small kind smile lining her lips as she crossed her legs.

“Justin has told me you’ve been coming here a while now.” She said casually.

Leo rubbed the back of his head softly, “About three years now give or take.” He nodded.

“However, if I may say, you don’t strike me as the kind of person to be spending long nights here. Don’t you have a family to go home to at the end of the day?” She wondered.

That's where Leo dropped his smirk and turned his gaze away.

“I’m sorry if I hit a sore spot.” Kamari bit her lip inwardly, “That was totes out of line for me to say.”

“Nah, it's fine honestly. I have a family, but it’s been… complicated.” he crossed his arms over his chest.

"Family does that I suppose." She shrugged, "Dont know a single one that isn't complicated."

"What about yours?"

"Don't really know. I haven't spoken to them in years." Kamari explained, patting the spot next to her for him to sit. Which he did.

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