Chapter 3 - Time to Play Ninja

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Leo counted the hours. Staring at the fueling for what could be the fourth night in a row rather than sleeping.

Insomnia can, and is a bitch.

His ankles were crossed over and his hands were behind his head to cradle any comfort. It was worse to manage with the smell of vanilla and lavender.

He heard Sadie leave for work. She was in for a shit day no doubt. And it'd be several more hours before he heard other forms of life shift about. But there was one person in particular he was listening for.

His twin.

So he was left to his own account for the time being. Justin had texted him the name of the club, The Wolf's Den. A spot he'd never heard of himself and there was minimal information posted to the internet.


Mid afternoon began to warm the brick walls of the lair, warming the interior completely. And soon enough there was the faint sound of small claws clicking across the hard floor.

The blue banded turtle may have been dozing off but he still listened. Heterochromic eyes peered open, head lifted to view out the various windows set in the metal walls.

He knew his family's steps. From the low heavy thumps of Raph with the louder thud from his tail, to Mikey's sprightly steps that padded almost unheard. And Donnie's that were even, if not calculated and precise and even Sadie's quick movements and Jasmine's pitter patters that reminded him of a chihuahua running across a kitchen floor due to the claws that tipped her feet.

What he heard, thankfully, was the melodic and calculated steps Donnie made from his lab to the kitchen to partake in the coffee Sadie had refilled for him.

The gentle moan of that first sip was loud enough for Leo to hear as well who sat himself up fully from his twin sized bed to leave his train car.

Upon reaching the kitchen, Leo must have just missed him because the room was empty. The lab door was open for the time being.

"Oh, Donnie-baby!!" Leo called aloud in a sweet singsong tone.

"No." He was greeted with his brothers' near exact opposite response.

"But I haven't even..."

"No, he repeated without a second thought or fuck to give."

There was the usual growl in the grumps voice but it didn't leave the slider dejected.

A pout formed on the elder twin's lower lip. He entered the lab despite the soft shell's protests. Leo leaned against the battle shell he wore.

Donnie shoved him once, a growing discomfort from the extra weight.

"What Nardo? If you intend to disrupt my concentration, might as well get out with it. Thus the sooner you do so, the sooner you leave." The soft shell glared.

"I need info on the Wolf's Den." Leo said in a serious tone. He didn't look at his brother when he said it, but he felt the matching heterochromic gaze at him. Hard and confused.

"I'm sorry, the what?" Donnie asked.

"The Wolf's Den. The club on Broad Street."

"I know what it is, but why are you asking for it?"

"For... need to know basis terms."

"Well if you want the info I need to know." The self proclaimed genius hissed.

Leo sighed heavily with annoyance, "Just trying to help out a friend is all."

"This friend being from that rinky dink club you go to almost nightly?" Donnie asked as he began typing at his keys. Violet neon lights glistened at the tips of his fingers and into the keyboard as he used his ninpo magic to search for his answers.

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