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"It's Graham, something happened, he was taken to the hospital wing. I'm going there now, but I thought you should know."

"I'll come now," I said, my hands starting to shake.

"Okay, I'll see you soon." I hung up and stood up quickly, putting my jacket on.

"Eleanor, sit back down now," he ordered.

"You told me about your news, my boyfriend is in the hospital, so I am going."

"Your presence will be useless, sit down and finish lunch before leaving. Don't make me angry." I saw his hands stiffen, his eyes darken.

"I am going father."

"Eleanor Marie Hamilton," he said and stood up. His wine glass fell, and I flinched. The glass breaking and him towering over me made me petrified. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, not even hearing what he was saying.

"Goodbye father." I walked off, grabbing my jacket and bag and I said thank you to the waitress as I began running to the back of the restaurant. Tommy was standing outside the car, just standing there doing nothing. As soon as he saw me he ran to me.

"What the fuck did he do? I'll kill him. You're fucking shaking, Mary!" I met his eyes as he held my face, I was hyperventilating.

"Tommy, what did I say about calling me that." I said calming down a little.

"I always thought your middle name was funny as you are far from being a virgin Mary. Now tell me what's wrong."

"He didn't do anything, but a friend is in the hospital and I need to go. I don't know what happened." He didn't say anything he just grabbed my hand and walked me to the passenger side and got me in and he rushed in the driver's seat and drove off.


"Back to my school, I'll guide you when you get there." He nodded speeding up.

I checked my phone in case Luce or anyone else messaged me. He had gotten hurt before but the physio at the games always tended to him and let him go, but if he was taken to the hospital wing then it's bad.

He grabbed his phone out of his pants and called someone.

"Tom." My father.

"Boss, I quit, I'll finish the job tomorrow, then I'll drop the car off and I'm done."

"You do not call me for this. We'll discuss this in person."

"You heard what I said."

"Then you're fired. Drop the car off now and you won't be doing the job tomorrow."

Tommy hung up, and I just looked at him.

"Why now?"

"You persuaded me."

"I've always told you to quit."

"That was before. I haven't seen you in years Mary, the last time was that night. I was going to then, but then my brother got arrested and I needed bail money. Now, I see how he treats you still, so I'm done."

"Why? Why do you want to quit because he's an asshole."

"It's not that, I fucking despise him for making you feel this way. I saw you in the car and I had walked around while you were at lunch, how you sat there. It makes me so angry."

"Tommy, you can't have those feelings."

"Mary, it's been 7 years and my feelings have never changed. That first time I saw you I was hooked. Then you wanted me, and then I held you all night while you cried in my arms. From then on there's no one else for me." I stayed silent, scared that if I spoke anymore he would say something else and I'd have to tell Graham more things that will piss him off. Because keeping this from him will be more detrimental than whatever he's in the hospital for. 

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