Sheep bite

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Chapter 1: The Daily Struggle

The sun rose over the village of Chikuni, painting the sky in shades of pink and gold. Inside her humble home, Chipego stirred from her sleep, her heart heavy with the weight of another day. She glanced at the empty space beside her, where her husband Tafadzwa should have been, but he had not returned home from the tavern the night before.

"Naledi, have you seen your father?" Chipego called out to her eldest daughter, who was already up and helping with the morning chores.

Naledi shook her head sadly. "No, Mama. He didn't come home last night."

Chipego sighed, a knot of worry tightening in her chest. It was not uncommon for Tafadzwa to stay out late, but each time he did, Chipego's anxiety grew. She feared what drunken rage he might unleash when he finally stumbled through the door.

Chapter 2: The Suffering Continues

Later that evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon and darkness descended upon Chikuni, Tafadzwa staggered home, his breath heavy with the scent of alcohol. Chipego's heart sank as she braced herself for what was to come.

"Where have you been?" Chipego asked, her voice trembling with a mixture of fear and anger.

Tafadzwa sneered at her, his eyes bloodshot and unfocused. "Out with my friends, where else?" he slurred.

Chipego clenched her fists, her patience wearing thin. "You promised to be home earlier. The girls and I were worried sick."

Tafadzwa's laughter cut through the air like a knife. "Worried? Ha! You should be grateful I even bother to come home at all."

With that, he lashed out, his fist connecting with Chipego's cheek with a sickening thud. She stumbled backward, pain exploding behind her eyes as tears welled up in her eyes.

Chapter 3: The Desperate Measure

As Chipego nursed her bruised face in the darkness of her room later that night, a seed of desperation took root within her. She knew that she could not continue to live like this, in constant fear of her husband's wrath. She had to protect herself and her daughters, no matter the cost.

The next morning, Chipego made her way to the local market, her steps resolute despite the tremble in her limbs. She sought out a trusted merchant, her heart pounding with the weight of her decision.

"I need something to... to keep my family safe," Chipego whispered, her voice barely audible over the bustle of the market.

The merchant, a wise old woman with kind eyes, nodded knowingly. "I have just the thing," she said, producing a small vial filled with a clear liquid. "But be warned, my dear. Once the poison is administered, there is no turning back."

Chipego nodded, her resolve hardening with each passing moment. She paid the merchant and hurried home, her mind awash with thoughts of what she was about to do.

Chapter 4: The Final Act

That night, as Tafadzwa sat down to dinner with his family, Chipego served him a meal laced with the poison she had purchased. Her hands shook as she watched him eat, the weight of her decision bearing down upon her like a heavy stone.

As the poison took effect, Tafadzwa's laughter turned to cries of pain. He clutched his stomach, his face contorted in agony as he collapsed to the floor. Chipego watched in horror, her heart pounding in her chest as she realized what she had done.

"Mother, what's happening?" Naledi cried, her eyes wide with fear as she watched her father writhing in pain.

Chipego gathered her daughters close, her voice choked with tears. "It's going to be okay, my darlings," she whispered, her heart breaking as she comforted them in their hour of need.

Chapter 5: The Aftermath

In the days that followed Tafadzwa's death, Chipego's home was filled with whispers and accusations. The villagers shunned her, branding her a murderer and a pariah. But Chipego paid them no mind, her thoughts consumed by the safety and well-being of her daughters.

Together, they mourned the loss of the man who had tormented them for so long, but they also found solace in the knowledge that they were finally free from his tyranny. And as they walked the streets of Chikuni, their heads held high with pride and defiance, Chipego knew that she had made the right choice - for herself, for her daughters, and for the future generations of women who would follow in her footsteps.

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