how they'd act on a field trip

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Nishinoya:carious, he doesn't stay with his group and films tik toks

Asahi:just follows around Noya (if it's the team or one where all the years go) anxious reck

Hinata:bounces off the walls and causes problems with Kageyama

Kageyama:follows Hinatas actions mostly argues with his sometimes

Yamaguchi:follows Tsukishima

Tsukishima:follows the rule and holds Yamaguchis hand for support

Daichi:follows rules but wanters off with Suga

Sugawara:runs off to do more fun things

Ennoshita:stays with the group or just stays home (he doesn't like field trips)

Tanaka:causes carious with Noya

Ukai:wants the kill the team for being chaotic

Takeda:trys to get everyone heck together

Tendou:points out cool things to Ushi but usually stays home (he always ends up in a group with his bully's if Ushi doesn't go)

Ushijima:just follows tendou

Oikawa:gets in trouble

Iwazumi:yells at Oikawa for getting into trouble

Dashou:he doesn't go period.

Terushima:flirts with girls even if he has a partner (aka Dashou, who doesn't mind because he knows it's fake flirting)

Mad dog (kyotani):doesn't go unless Yahaba go's and follows Yahaba

Yahaba:follows rules

Atsumu:drags Osamu to a near by store or arcade

Osamu:follows Atsumu because he would rather do stuff with his brother then be told historical facts

Kuro:makes science puns and drags Kenma somewhere

Kenma:plays games on his switch light he brought with him

Kita:follows Rules, doesn't really like them but go's anyway

Aran:stays home he couldn't care less

Aone:stays home, the bus is extremely uncomfortable for her

Matsukawa:stays home and hangs out with maki

Maki:chills with Matsukawa

Akashi:gos but follows around Bokuto and actually really likes it

Bokuto:drags around Akashi

Suna:gets board at them so he either sleeps or they stay home

Kiyoko:doesn't go

Yachi:goes and has fun with friends

Lev:go's because Yaku makes him

Yaku:go's because he doesn't want to miss school

Sakusa:doesn't go, there are germs

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