Chapter { 6}

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[ other's pov ]

Zhan came home. He was crying in his room. His life was already mess and now these all things are happening.

" Your mamma is not strong baby. Your mom can't fight. " Said zhan to his baby while tears rolling from his eye's. Suddenly someone knock the door.

" Zhan.. Are you ok son? " Asked wang Qing yibos mother.

" Oh, shit! Mom... I should wipe my tears and i have to be normal. " Zhan wiped his tears. He acted like he is sleeping.

" Zhan is sleeping. But something has happened i have to ask Yibo. " Said Qing and went outside.

" I hope mom shouldn't ask him. " Zhan thought and slept.

" Yibo... Yibo.. " Called Qing.

" What happened mom? " Asked Yibo.

" Is everything ok? Did you do something to zhan? " Asked Qing.

" Ah.. No mom... " Said Yibo.

" Are you sure? " Asked Qing again.

" Yes mom. " Replied Yibo.

" I'm not gonna spare him. I told him our family shouldn't know about this and he did that. " Thought Yibo in his mind and went to zhans room angrily.

He was about to scream but he saw Zhan sleeping. He was looking so cute while sleeping. Yibo slowly went towards Zhan and sat beside him and looked at him, his cute face, his cherry lips.

" What is happening to me? Why am i behaving like this? " Thought Yibo in his mind. Zhan slowly opened his eye's. He saw Yibo sitting beside him.

" Yibo? What are you doing here? Did you eat something? " Asked Zhan in a worry voice. He glared Zhan with an angry face and held his arms and pinned him on the wall.

" What is your problem huh? Why are you acting innocent. I know now what type of guy you are. " Said Yibo angrily.

" What happened? What have i done? " Asked Zhan while tears rolling from his eye's.

" What you have done? When i told you that our family should not know that we are not good with each other then why the hell did you tell my mom that i did something to you? " Asked Yibo angrily.

Zhan : Are you mad? Why I will say this to mom?

Yibo : because you just want to make me in trouble. You love to see me in pain right? You bitch!

Zhan slapped Yibo.

" You deserve this Mr wang Yibo. What do you think am i your private property. You can say anything to me? No Mr wang Yibo. I can give nice answer's to you but i don't want to because you will not understand me. You never understood me. And for your kind information. I didn't said anything to mom. She came to my room to check on me. I was crying but when she came i acted like I'm sleeping so that she cannot blame you for anything. " Said zhan while tears rolling from his eye's.

" You know what? You can't understand anyone you are a selfish person who can't think of anyone. That's why you are blaming me. I married to you because my parents and your parents insist. Otherwise I would have never come to this house and be with a guy like you. " Said zhan and pushed him.

" And who the hell are you to call me bitch ans slut? Who gave you the right Mr Wang Yibo.From today onwards all respect for you has died from my side. And don't even try to come close to me otherwise I also know so many things that you can't even think do you understand? " Said zhan while pointing the finger to Yibo. And left the room.

" Zhan, come have dinner. " Said Qing.

" Ok, mom. " Replied Zhan. Yibo was also their and having food because his mother forced him to eat.

" Mom, will you come for the check up tomorrow with me? " Asked Zhan.

" I would have but i have a meeting son. Go with Yibo he will take you. " Said Qing.

" It's ok mom. I will go by myself. " Said zhan.

Yibo : I will take you...

Zhan : I don't need your he...

Yibo : you have to. Because Your My Responsibility.

" Let him take you son. " Said Qing.

" Ok, mom. " Said Zhan. Everyone had their dinner and Went to their room.

" Sleep in my room. " Said Yibo.

" I will sleep in guest room. " Said Zhan in a cold voice.

" Do you want that mom and dad should know about our deal? Do you want to hurt them? " Asked Yibo.

" Ok i will sleep in your room. " Said Zhan and both of them slept.

[ next morning ]

" Mom we are going. " Said Zhan.

" Ok, go safely. " Said Qing.

" Ok mom. " Said yibo. Zhan and yibo went to hospital for Zhan's check up. Doctor did the check up and both were waiting for the report.

" Reports have came you can go and meet the doctor. " Said nurse.

" Is everything ok doctor? " Asked Zhan.

Doctor : Mr Zhan your condition is serious. I think you are taking stress.

Zhan : my baby is ok right?

Doctor : i don't want to give you any false hopes. But you need to take care of yourself even more, because you are very weak. For 1 week take bed rest.

Yibo : i will take care of him doctor.

Doctor : you?

Yibo : ah... His husband.

Doctor : oh take these medicines from farmacy. Take the medicines on time.

Yibo brought the medicines. He saw zhan crying.

" What happened zhan? Why are you crying? " Asked yibo in a worry voice.

" My baby.... Yibo.. My baby is in danger all because of me i should have been careful Yibo... I... Risked my baby's life Yibo.. My baby is my everything... How can i do that I'm not a good mother Yibo... I risked my baby's life... I.. " Zhan could say anything further Yibo hugged him tightly.

" No zhan... You are a strong mother. You are child is very lucky to have a mother like you... Everything will be alright zhan.. I will take care of you.. I will be there for our child... Our child will come in this world and our child will be strong like you... " Said Yibo while tears rolling from his eye's. He only don't know why he was feeling like this but seeing Zhan like this he can't tolerate.

" Everything will be fine right? Our baby will be fine right? Right Yibo? " Asked Zhan while tears rolling from his eye's.

" Yes zhan.. " Said Yibo and kissed zhan's forehead. Yibo camled him down then they went to home.

" Yibo, don't tell this to mom and dad they will get in tension and i don't want that. " Said Zhan.

" Ok, i won't. Now you take rest i will bring something for you to eat. You need to take medicines right?. " Said yibo and went to kitchen.


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