Final Chapter

77 6 4

Indonesia's POV

I land rather roughly out the 'interdimensional crack' on the paved floor, just to find out that everything has returned to normal, well, minus the destroyed building and... and corpses... That is so sad. I hate seeing deaths. Though I feel too drained to even get up, so I remain there, panting- shaking, with a closed throat. I feel dizzy and my head hurts processing what happened, my legs and arms feel as if they would fall off and I barely keep myself together. I feel numb from the unreal events that have happened, glaring at the crack in the air before me. Neth said he would close it... yet it is still open.
"N-Neth-" I shakily say his name, remembering the gentle gesture he had before throwing me back in. My vision blurs, knowing I'll probably never see him again. This is all my fault. If I wouldn't have been so stupid and faced what I feared about him beforehand... If I only would have been more supportive! I punch the ground beside me in grief and frustration, my vision blurring, and I start to cry. My emotions flow out of me, all the fear and anxiety I carried through the entire event that have built up, together with the loss of... a love. I did love this man. I fail to inhale nor exhale properly, grabbing onto my head. It hasn't been often that I felt this lost, yet the feeling never gets duller, it doesn't matter how often you experience it.

"Indo!" I hear a familiar voice yell in the distance yet I don't turn my head. I only realize that it is Philippines as he reaches me. There is a big tourniquet on the part of his head where his left ear used to be. Right, the monster. I look to him with big eyes.
"P-Phil he-he's dea-dead-" I cry and Phils expressions falls, he takes me into a great hug.
"I'm so sorry, Indo. I'm glad he protected you."
"H-He should have pro-protected himself!" I exclaim while the tears stream down my face and into Phils dried, bloody T-Shirt. He leans back, letting me sit between his legs, letting me cry, caressing my hair. His voice is soft and caring as he speaks.
"So, you did see him as an ally in the end, I assume?"
"He- He saved me from d-dying multiple times..." I weep and Phil exhales. More surviving countries arrive at the scene, gasping at the crack in our reality. I don't care for them; all I care is that I lost him.
"Idiot- I- I was just starting to lo- love him." I burry my head into Phils chest with all the sorrow in the world and he remains silent. I have no idea how much time passes or what the others think about my situation, yet if I would start being truthful, they'd throw me in a mental asylum, I am sure of it. I sigh heavily as America fidgets some tissues, he had with him out his pocket, ready for my use. I do use them, yes, yet I still rest my head against Phil, numb from the overwhelming experience. Never had I been afraid of dying like today.

My gaze wanders from my concerned friends to the fountain, previously where the tornado emitted, where the crack is. Nothing happens for a while, and just as the European Union orders the remaining countries to start cleaning up, the air begins ringing, wind intensifying, emitting from the crack, as if it would yell at us to pay attention to it. Slowly, the crack grows, scaring the mass, myself and Phil included. Yet, I do not feel inclined to back away. I have seen what lays beyond and how fascinating it was. I don't have the strength to reach out, though. Suddenly, a shadowy figure appears from the crack, similar to the monster that attacked us. Immediately my pulse spikes in horror. Did... Did Neth's plan not work?! He promised he would safe us! I swallow heavily as the creature looks around. Its presence is unnerving, yet it does not seem aggressive at all, maybe a trick.

The figure floats through the crack into our world, our... universe, I guess. It floats there for a moment, looking around until its eyes rest on me, looking intently, as if valuing the surroundings. They then nod, reaching back into the crack, just to slowly tear out a figure... a... familiar figure. I rip my eyes wide open, my jaw dropping.
"NETH!" I yell as the creature carefully put the unconscious man on the ground. He is pale, seemingly lifeless, yet with closer inspection the rise and fall of his chest is noticeable. Surprised gasps and whispers go around the mass and Phil holds me back from rushing to him.
"Shh..." Phil hushes me as the being bows.

"The Void accepted his sacrifice."
"The Void was delighted by the distraught of the misshaped Vessel."
"The Void decided to spare this being of Consumption."
"The Void is very grateful."
"The Void hopes to meet him again."
"The Void will patiently await his arrival, for the Void has strengthened him."

The shadowy figure then evaporates, the dusk moving back into the crack, closing it as it does, until nothing remains. There is a silence between all that heard the creature speaking about the Void and its ways. Does that mean Netherlands is a hero? He did save us from that 'misshaped Vessel' or whatever. I now finally make my ways over to Nether. He isn't responsive, but breathing. I shift around, putting his head on my lap, playing with his hair.
"I love you too, Idiot." I hum with a small smile, tears already forming in my eyes again.

A few of my friends now dare to come closer, beginning to ask about Netherlands, even beginning to shout. I knew I stirred them up at the beginning, but just now I see myself how bad it actually is:
"He destroyed our houses!"
"What kind of monster is he?!"
"I knew that guy was off, of course it had to be him."
"He is dressed so weirdly."
and more. Many more.
Philippines stays silent, he seems nervous. Malay too, rather awkward. Then, Luxembourg makes his way through the mass, Belgium and the Koreans following close behind. Lux rushes to me, kneeling down in front of us two, observing his brother. He is first tense, then very relieved.
"Belgie, this is our fault, if we were more considerate it wouldn't have happened."
"... I... I guess. I was so scared."
"Me too, me too." the siblings sigh collectively as the Koreans scold the mass over the events and to be a little more respectful. I remove my attention from the mass and focus on him again, simply stroking his face, wishing for him to wake up.

After a little while his breathing gets a little uneven and he does indeed open his eyes, being blinded immediately. Afterwards, confused, orange eyes glare at me. I fall into a state of awe looking into his crystal-like orange eyes, appreciating them for the first time. I carefully put my hand on his cheek, smiling a little.
"Is... Is that you?" he speaks quietly, his voice sounds raspy and Belgium runs off immediately to get something to drink. I suppose we got a fountain nearby but hell what do I know is in that water.

"What happened?" Netherlands question, not making any attempt at getting up.
"Later, I- I'm just glad you are alive and well."
"R- Really?"
"Yes, you have to grant me a wish, after all." I smile. Nether scoffs weakly, rolling his eyes, but ending up smiling too, even if weakly.
"Well alright, I promised. What do you want?"

"I want to be with you, and know you. I have realized I love you for you actions and who you are, the real you."

The End, kinda. Might write a sequel some day.

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