OUTERBANKS-The little sister

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TW: rape
Amelia pov:
i wake up to music banging i sigh slowly pissed off that this woke me up i look outside to see a keggar "yes!" i say out loud thinking j can have some fun without john b knowing i went and got ready in denim shorts and a bikini with a cute top over it i walk to the liquor cupboard in the chateau and take shots of straight vodka and i wobble outside to the kook section of the keggar i walk down near the sea and i hear a familiar
voice, rafe. "hello princess, didn't expect you to be here" i stand up and look at him and say drunkly "hellllleoooooooo raffffeeeee, myyyy bOtHer SaId nOt tO gO NeAR yOu" i slur my words big time everything starts to go blurry but i feel somethings kissing me roughly then i'm knocked out.

jj pov:

I'm just having fun they i look around the corner and see a big group of kooks gathered around an old mattress with someone lying down i stumbled over to see what's going on and hear rafe cameron say "anybody want a go with her she is excellent in bed" he says this slurring his words then somebody says "here i'll have a go" i stumble closer and see my little 15 year old amelia knocked out cold on the bed in nothing but a bikini on a rotten mattress i then see one of rafes friends go over and kiss her roughly and start feeling her up he then moves down to her lower half and takes off her small little bottoms and starts touching her i try to barge in through everyone and he starts i smash through to amelia and push the creek off her and pull her bottoms up and buy on a jean shorts and look rafe dead in the eyes as a shout "DID YOU FUCKING DO THIS TO HER" rafe looks at him and laughs "yeah and it was fucking good" john b runs over and sees the state his little sister was in and punched rafe as does jj, pope and kie beg them to stop and help amelia as she lays helplessly knocked out on a old rotten mattress that she had just been assaulted on the fight gets so big and topper help rafe and jj steps back as they both target john b and scream at him "YOUR SISTER IS REAL GOOD YK JOHN B" rafe screams, john b then tackles him into the sea rafe just lays as then topped makes his way over and pushes john b down and shouts "how bout i drown you like your old man huh!" he's holds his head under
i stand there in shock as i watch my best friend being drowned and just witnessed my best friends little sister be raped under our control i run to my bag and get my gun and place it against toppers head "YEAH YOU KNOW WHAT THAT IS" topper doesn't say a word as he drops his arm off john b as i shoot twice in the air as everyone runs scared off the beach even topper and rafe, i pull john b out and tell pope and kie to come and help him as i help amelia i run up to her as my eyes water seeing the little innocent amelia on the mattress i lift her up gently and take her into the chateau to the bathroom i start to run a bath she is still unconscious but i want her to feel clean and safe when she wakes up and then i can explain to her and help her i take off her clothes and place her body in the bath hee hot breathe prickles against my skin as i wash her  not inappropriately, did she turn me on yes of course but the worst thing has just happened to her so i would never do anything to her i got her out and dried her and put on one of my t shirts and some pj bottoms in her drawer, I place her in her bed and give her a little kiss on the head and i go and blow up a mattress for her bedroom as i didn't want to leave her side.

i make up the bed with a blanket and go and get meds and water for her in the morning when she needs them i go up to john b seeing him awake makes me feel so much better i looks at him and says "welcome to the life of living bro" as i pat his shoulder and he laughs it's around 12:30 am now he says confused "where is amelia, is she okay what happened to her" i try to say in the calmest i can be "listen bro she is safe i spurted hee out we will talk in the morning" john b nods and falls back asleep on the pullout couch.

Amelia pov:
i wake up with a really bad headache and really sore i sit up and look down at jj on the floor on a mattress and see meds set out for me with some water i smiled that he stayed then i got a huge flashback to me getting drunk last night and then rafe then "nothing" i say to myself jj then wakes up and says "amelia oh my god are you okay, do you need anything" i looked at him weirdly and say "why are you being nice" he looked at my with sorrow in his eyes "do you not remember last night?"  i think and say "i took shots of vodka then rafe came over and like just blank but u remeber being carried and kissed then absolutely nothing" jj looks at me like he knows something much worse than what i said so i nudge him "what happened and did i fall in really like sore" as i hold my lower belly, he says "amelia you got passed around, i'm so sorry but i was ment to be with you and keeping you safe and u got drunk and got raped by multiple different kooks" i look at him so blankly and a year formed in my eye he comes over and hugged me i start to sob and then i just look and say "is john b angry" i just hug her tighter and rub the back of her head and "shh"her and make sure that she is okay we then pull out of the hug "thank you jj for helping me, you have changed" then john b busted into my room violently

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