Chapter 3: Heartbeats & Tears

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Taraji's POV:

As I awaited a response from Fantasia, my heart rate inclined. "Am I about to have a damn panic attack over a response?" I said to myself. I sat down on the nearest kitchen stool to catch my breath, and I heard my phone vibrate. I rushed to grab it.

Tasia🤎: *thumbs up message*

I gained some type of relief just knowing she looked at the message, but on the other hand, I felt some type of way, though I knew I didn't have the right to.
Her just putting a thumbs up on the message left me with no real answer. She knew exactly what she was doing to toy with my emotions that were already in a fragile state. But at this point, I'm willing to do anything just to get in her presence. I need to see her, and I'm going to let her know that. I grab my phone off the countertop and open our thread and begin to text...

Tasia🤎: I understand you're upset, Fantasia, and you have every right to be, but I need to see you...

That sounded contradicting, so I backspaced, retyping the message...

Tasia🤎: Hey, Beautiful. I know you may be upset, which is purely understandable, but I really need to lay eyes on you. I cannot afford to not see you while I'm in town. Please show up to dinner...

I sounded desperate, so I backspaced again. "Shit," I yelled out, "why is this so hard?" "You know what, I'm going to call," I said to myself. I went back to our thread and clicked the phone icon in hopes she'll answer. I didn't even prepare what I was going to say, but the phone is already ringing...

Fantasia POV:

I grabbed my phone to see who could be calling me, still heavily breathing from the orgasm I just had. It was Taraji. "What could she want?" I said to myself while also trying to gather my breath before I answered. "Hello," I said, trying to normalize my voice as if my body wasn't still in another realm.

Taraji: "Hey, Beautiful. Are you free to talk right now? I promise it won't be long."

Fantasia: rolls eyes "What's going on, Taraji?" I said with a stern tone, letting her know I'm not with the shit.

Taraji: "I know I gave you an option to choose if you wanted to have dinner with me tonight, but truth is I need you to come, Fantasia," I said with a crack in my voice, not being truly confident in asserting myself as I deserve the treatment she's giving me. "I need to lay eyes on you," as I proceeded to talk. "Tasia, I'm sorry, and I need an opportunity to explain everything. I just need you to show up." Hell, at this point I'm pleading for forgiveness and begging for her presence to come where I desire. I slowly felt a tear trickling down my face.

Fantasia: "Raji, are you crying?" Fantasia said, staring at the phone feeling somewhat guilty for how she's been treating Taraji.

Fantasia: "Raji, talk to me," as she raised up off her bed to slide into her house slippers and robe.

Taraji: "I'm trying to talk. I'm trying my best, Tasia," as Taraji began to cry harder. "I just need to see you tonight. Please show up."

Fantasia: "Baby, calm down and breathe," Fantasia said, trying to get Taraji back into a stable mind. "I'll be there, Raji. My feelings just been hurt over you ghosting me for no reason, but I guess we'll talk about that over dinner."

Taraji began to wipe her eyes with a piece of tissue, trying to work up the right words to say after Fantasia finished talking. She was embarrassed from crying over the phone, but she knew she always had that space to be vulnerable with Fantasia.

Taraji: "I'm sorry for crying, Tasia, but I can't wait to see you later. Thank you for giving me a chance."

Taraji still fragile, wondering if this feeling she's experiencing is more than a liking one and rather her falling in love with Fantasia.

Fantasia: "You know you never have to apologize for being vulnerable, Raji. Now go get ready so you won't have me waiting any longer. Everything will be okay, I love you."

Fantasia attempts to reassure Taraji while not knowing if everything would be okay, but she did know she wanted to see her just as bad as she wanted to see her...

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