one hundred-and-twelfth bad day

332 9 1

Adora's POV

The lights in the store are bright, there's a weird buzzing sound coming from them and I can hear the squeaking sound of wheels on the floor. I hold on to her arm tightly. Me and Kiara go to the 'hygiene' aisle. There's none of the ones I usually get, just the ones that look like sticks. She grabs a box,

"What about these? Do you ever use tampons?"

I shake my head no. I tried once but it hurt.

"I might have something at home."

We walk to the next aisle and she looks at the cleaning supplies. Her house is always sparkling so I don't know why she would need more stuff. I wasn't really paying attention to whatever else she got but the cashier gave me a mean look. I don't know what I did. As Kiara drives us back, I stare out the window as we pass the park. I miss being young and playing outside and not worrying about essays. I really wish I could go back in time and live a perfect life with no weird stuff. Maybe I wouldn't have turned out like this. I feel I am a child stuck in a 20 year olds body.

"You okay baby?"

No. "yea."

"Don't lie to me. You can't keep pushing everything down or you won't feel better."

We sit in silence. "im tired."

"Vernie made dinner, you'll eat it then you can sleep."


"No what?"

"i-i don't want it if-if she made it."

"Why not?"

"because im mad at her."

"What'd she do that upset you?"

"ignore me."

"When did she ignore you?"

"at the park! she likes Lotte more than me." I feel tears sting my eyes.

I just want to take a bath and be with Kiara in her bed.

"I'll talk to her, okay? Don't say that."


"Because im sure it's just a misunderstanding."

I stay quiet until we get back. Me and Kiara go inside and she helps me with my problem before talking to Vernie. I'm so upset and tired so I just go upstairs and lay down. After a little of being in silence, Kiara comes in and sits down beside my legs.

"what did she say?"

"She couldn't hear you when you tried to get her attention, she never meant to ignore you and make you sad."

Oh. I feel better, that it was an accident, but worse because I might have made her sad.

"is she upset?" I try to hold the tears in.

"If you come eat dinner you'd find out."


"No what?"

"im not eating dinner."

"You have too. It's not a choice."

"my tummy hurts."

"It might help to eat and drink something."

"no it won't, your just saying that on purpose! your trying to trick me just like everybody else."

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