38 years old

90 3 19

"Bluey! Good morning!"
"Hi Calypso! Sorry I'm late! I had to help my neighbour Judo get ready for her party tonight!"
"It's okay! We can all be a little late sometimes!"

"Alright! Everyone! Sit down on the mat! I've got a special guest coming in today, to talk about art!"
I smiled, and let the special guest through the door. 
"Hello everyone!"
"THAT'S MY AUNTY!", Bluey shouted happily. I laughed.
"Yes. Everyone, this is Bluey's aunty Brandy. She's an artist, and she's here to talk about it!"

Brandy started to explain things to do with art, she even showed some of her paintings! They were amazing as always! 

After she left, everyone was very chatty (But... I mean... when are they NOT?), so I sent them all out to an early lunch. 

I started knitting at my table, when Bluey and a few of friends came wandering up to me. 
"Calypso, I'm wondering if you could help us make a huge banner for Judo's birthday party tonight? I think she would love it!"

We set to work, creating a giant blue banner, with the words: Happy Birthday Judo! written in big letters. 

After we had finished, it was already time for the students to head home. 

Judo's mum was going to pick up Bluey, Indy, Mackenzie, and Chloe for the party, so I brought the banner out. 
"So YOU'RE Bluey's teacher!", the girl who I assumed was Judo remarked. She seemed a little snobby, but I shouldn't judge a book by it's cover (In my opinion, Judo sucks - 27quil)
"OH MY GOD IS THAT A BANNER?!", she yelled. I laughed, and asked where to put it. An oddly familiar voice replied. Who in the world was it?! And then I realised. 

Judo's mum was Wendy. 

We hugged, and then Judo snarkily barked. 
"Mummm, we need to go! We have so much to do!"
"Judo, just wait a minute! I haven't seen Calypso in a very long time!"
"Judo! There's no time limit! Just wait!"
"That's it. Judo, if you don't be quiet, I'm going to call all your friend's parents and tell them the party's off!"
Judo was silent. 
"Can we go somewhere a little more quiet?", Wendy asked. I nodded, and led her around the schoolhouse to a balcony at the back. We sat down. 

"I've missed you Calypso."
"I've missed you too, Wendy."
"I didn't even know where you were until I saw a wedding place booked out for you and Goldie! Congrats, by the way! How is Goldie?"
"She's good! She just started playing rugby for states!"
"Oh wow!! That's awesome!"
"Well, I'll let you get back to Judo's party! Hope you have fun!"
"Aww okay! I'll text you maybe tomorrow! Maybe we could go to a café in the city? The Cool Dogz back together?"
"Aw hell yeah! See ya Wendy!"
"See ya Calypso!"

I definitely missed Wendy. Suddenly I had a phone call. Brandy? What was she calling me for? 
"Calypso. Can you come over?"
"Sure! Why?"
"Just... come on."

20 minutes later, I was curiously standing at Brandy's doorstep. She let me in, and we sat on her couch.  
"What's up?"
She suddenly burst into tears. 
"Bosco... broke up with me... because I can't... I can't..."
"You can't what?"
"Have a baby..."
"We've been trying to have a kid for a long time now, but then I found I couldn't, and Bosco said he didn't want to date someone that couldn't have kids... and he broke up with me. And that isn't even half of the problem! I really want a kid! And now I can't even have one! And now I'm not talking to Chilli cause she has kids and it's like she wants to remind me that I can't! And now we're not talking and I really want a kid and I just want someone to cheer me up, and you do that so well!", she said through bursts of tears and sobbing. 

I felt so bad for her, and didn't know what to say. And then I looked out the window. A 20 year old basset hound named Holden was outside. Holding hands with a doberman named Solider. I smiled. I knew exactly what to say. 
"The world might seem like it's not going to get any better, Brandy. I promise you, it will."
"But how will how I know if I'm going to end up with a kid in the end or not?"
"You won't."
"But will I know or not?"
"You'll see..."

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