Handsome Devil V

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"What the actual hell is wrong with you, Wentz?" William growls, slapping Pete hard across the face. "You could have been killed. Do you not even care about us? Do you not realize you are one of the strongest vampires in all the lands? Even if that's fucking true you do not go out on your own and try to take on someone with much more power than you!"

Pete scoffs at William's words, his cheek stinging and bright pink as he eyeballs the taller.

"It's always about you. What about what I want to do." Pete barks. "You stuck up, asshole. I'm tired of this. I'm tired of everything being about you."

William slaps him again.

"Who do you think you're talking to, Wentz? I own you. You would be nothing without me. Now, why don't you be a good boy and quit trying to get yourself in trouble you can't get yourself out of."

William pushes Pete scowling loudly. "Get out of my sight."

Pete graciously does so, muttering insults and swears under his breath as he shamefully scurries away.

"Fucking douche..."

"Hey, man, I'm sorry I told him-"

Pete grabs Travie's wrists tightly, pushing him down. "You tell him I'm going after Stumph again I'm gonna fuckin' hang you from that tree over there. Keep your goddamn dirty mouth shut." Pete snaps, before hurrying away once more.


"Pattycakes? You waitin' for me? Just couldn't get enough, huh?" Pete's hands are in his hoodie jacket but his posture is straight and his head held high.

"Waiting to kill you."

Patrick appears from behind a tree, a smirk on his lips. He looks good, hair freshly bleached, his hands fiddling with his bowtie, trying to make it as straight as he can.

"Mmm, did you get all dolled up for me, sweetie?" The vampire smiles, taking a step towards the blonde.

"Yeah, for your funeral, dear." The shorter snarls, pulling at his bowtie one last time before leaning against the tree.

"See I made a scar on those pretty lips of yours..." Pete teases darkly, eyes scanning Patrick up and down, hunger building inside him, he's ready for another taste.

Patrick licks his lips instinctively, feeling the two bite marks ingraved in his lips, he bites down on them, before staring back up at Pete. "How about I give you a few scars today?"

Pete chuckles at the comment. "I wanted a few more on you." He smiles, taking another step closer to Patrick. Patrick stands back up, eyeing Pete.

"Mmm, I wanna see you try."

Without any further warning, Pete lunges towards the devil, growling out. Patrick let's put a small noise of surprise before grabbing onto Pete's wrist. Pete grunts back, swinging Patrick and pushing him into a tree, pinning his wrists up.

"Fuck, you've been doing your homework." The blonde lets out, struggling against Pete's grasp.

"I plan to get a fuckin' A on the test." Pete smirks, leaning into the pale neck. He licks the sweat forming, before opening his mouth to sink his teeth into the blonde.

Patrick takes this opportunity to reach for Pete's hair, pulling it. Pete lets out a yelp, growling. "Fuckin' bitch!"

Patrick smiles, pulling Pete's head to the side, and then pinning him onto the floor. Patrick has Pete's arms pulled behind his back, sitting on his legs and l Pete's head is in the floor.

"Oh, I'm a bitch, hm?" Patrick smirks, pushing his head into the floor.

"Fuck you." Pete growls.

"No thanks, I'm a top." Patrick retorts through his teeth.

Pete laughs.

"What the fuck do you think you're laughing about?" Patrick growls, pressing Pete further into the ground.

"I'm a top." Pete mocks, looking back at Patrick, smirking.

"Oh fuck off, Wentz, I'm not giving you what you want." Patrick growls, pressing his weight onto Pete.

"What do you mean?" Pete smiles, playing dumb.

Patrick presses him further into the ground, pulling Pete's arms back.

"Aw fuck..." Pete grunts, clenching his teeth in pain.

"Aww poor little Petey can't handle a little pain?" Patrick smirks, his knee in between Pete's legs. Pete gasps softly, feeling Patrick rub against his crotch slightly.

"G-get off." Pete grunts, biting his lip as Patrick leans close into his ear.

"What happened to you being all big and bad? Can't handle a little-"

"Get the fuck off of me before you regret it." Pete growls harshly, trying to lift his hips. He manages to, purposefully grinding himself against Patrick.

"You dick." Patrick gasps, grip loosening on Pete's arms. Pete smiles, pushing his back to Patrick. Before Patrick can hit the ground, Pete grabs his hips firmly and settles him onto his waist.

"You a bratty little bitch, you know that?" Pete's nails dig into his hips, eyes locked onto the blue ones above him, eyebrows furrowed. Patrick leans down smirking.

"What? You don't like a little chase?" He whispers against Pete's ear, nibbling on the lobe.

Pete can't help the smirk at Patrick's actions, more of because how cute he is. He grinds his hips up, causing Patrick to gasp out.

"Chase? Baby I got you right where I want you." Pete smiles lowly into Patrick neck, hips rocking together desperately.

"Is that what you think?" Patrick asks into Pete's ear, hands tracing down Pete's collarbone.

Excepting some sort of movement, Pete's hands grab at Patrick's hips, making sure they are placed firmly and he can't go anywhere.

"Oh, I know darling..."

"Think again."


"Did everything go alright, Mr. Stumph?"

"Yes, it did."

"Where is he now?"

"I left him in the river."

"Is he dead?"

"Who knows."


"Good work today, Patrick."

"Thank you, William, you owe me."

"Not a problem, just call."

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