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I was seating at my seat, as everything was normal. Too normal for a day à la Candice. As I smiled slightly, looking out of the window, I felt something touch my hand. Bored, I looked down to Elan, who was still drawing onto my notebook.

I wanted to tell him to stop, tell him I didn't want my notes to be full of stars and broken hearts and pentagrams and what not. But I also knew that if I got too close with him, I would have Mara on my back, and that was never a good thing.

I still remembered the first time we had argued. It was the last time as well, for the very next day no one at the school would talk to me, no one except Layne and a few of the nicest girls. All because of a petty fight over the bathroom, she had completely ruined my chances of gaining the popularity she seemed to thrive on. Thankfully my grades kept me going, or I would have gone even crazier by now.

One star. Another. Now a pentagram. He would not stop, and I could not stop him. Feeling the frustration starting to pull onto my heartstrings, I started to peel off the skin off my middle finger, only wanting to shoot it up straight in his face.

"Don't do that, blondie, you could get an infection.", he whispered, and though I was looking ahead I could feel his breath on my ear.

"Don't call me blondie.", I let out harshly, wanting him to get the message. He couldn't be this clueless, childishness didn't equal to stupidity, did it?

"Then don't call me stalker.", he smiled, and I glared at him. How dare he steal Richard's nickname? He really had no limits. I sighed, pulling more skin off just to irritate him.

"Who called you that? I never did.", I let out.

"How can such a good student have such bad memory?", he answered, laughing. I was about to reply, when I remembered Mara's words. For Richard, I had to calm down.

So, for the sake of my half brother, I simply nodded, looking back at the teacher.

"Funny, isn't it?"

▶︎ •၊၊||၊|။||||| 0:10

After class, me and Layne ran to the cafeteria, hungry and tired. Math had a way of draining the energy from both its lovers and foes, with my friend being the girlfriend and me the enemy. Though, even when her stomach was growling, Layne still had time to spend five minutes washing and disinfecting her hands.

"Always so paranoid, I see.", I chuckled, walking out of the bathroom.

Before I knew it, I was on the floor.

"Candy, it's not smart to walk backwards in such a crowded school.", I looked up to see Richard, and though my head was spinning I could see Layne grinning from miles away.

"Stalker, you should be apologizing like the way you did last night. You act so mighty, but you can't even sleep without me now.", I giggled. He looked at me, not saying a word.

"Anyways, I've got class, see you at home.", I took Layne's hand, ready to go, when I felt him suddenly grab mine.

"Wait for me after school.", he let out, and I smiled. Mara was such a master manipulator. Alliterations did matter, after all.

"Sure, Mara's orders are always right.", I sighed, ready to leave, when a voice captured all of our eyes.

"Is it now a tradition to hold blondie's hand or...?", Elan advanced, and I couldn't help but roll my eyes. Layne instantly broke our tie, but Richard only held me tighter, bringing me closer to him.

"That's not a name for you to call. You are not on those terms.", my half brother let out, and my heart started beating faster and faster and faster and...

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