128: An escape.

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Watching Penelope get dragged away wasn't anything anyone could digest.

Everyone expect Heather of course, she is enjoying every second of it.

Felix stands just outside the door and watches as she is taken away by the policemen, barely resisting the arrest.

Once their eyes meet, Penelope clicks her tongue and looks away, utterly annoyed.

Though Felix doesn't give her the same look, or even a look of victory. As always, his expressions remains numb and void of emotion.

He then diverts his eyes into the room as he sees both Desmond and Heather stepping out, wishing to discuss it elsewhere where Lavender wouldn't hear it.

Heather gives her son a big smile, happy that she will finally protect her son from the hands of the 'witch'. While Desmond's expression shows a bit of relief and a bit of something else.


After the couple leave, Felix walks into Domen's room and watches as he is talking to Lavender.

They were talking just fine up until Lavender almost looks annoyed and casts her gaze away, crossing her arms on her chest as she frowns deeply.

"Things are happening. A lot. I heard it from the corridor." Felix points out, just to get their attention and they both look over to him.

"Yeah... You two will finally be safe enough to roam the place." Domen chuckles like a rusty pipe as he drops his gaze to the floor. "Lavender thinks we made a bad decision. But it's for you two, so sometimes it's hard, especially if it involves family."

"I don't know if you did." Felix shrugs his shoulders as he looks around the room. "She's been my enemy for a really long time, I despised her and it was the only reason that gave my life meaning." He sighs as he runs a hand through his hair.

"But?" Domen raises a brow and Felix shrugs.

"There's no other part of the sentence." He said as Lavender rolls her eyes and gets up from the seat.

"She's already old, you can't tell me you're going to be okay if she dies in prison." Lavender protests once more, getting Domen to sigh.

"What would he have done?" Domen asks her with furrowing brows. "You know she was threatening Felix and yourself. Why are you feeling sorry for her?"

"... We talked earlier this morning, she was drinking and she didn't threaten me." Lavender laces her fingers and glanced off to the side. "She even offered me icecream and though at times she seemed annoyed, she was listening. So I know she could listen."

"First of all, that was risky of you, Lavender." Domen glares at her as she shrugs her shoulders. "Second of all, she doesn't listen to anyone. We've lived with her for a long time. She only cares about herself and her image. You won't understand."

"I would like to request that you refrain speaking anything stressful around the patient." Rose appears at the door, getting Domen to press his lips. "It's time for breakfast, Ms Carter."

Lavender pouts her lips in annoyance, knowing with Rose around, she won't be able to say what she needs to.

Reluctantly, she follows Rose out of the room and into the corridor, disappearing from Domen's sight.

"Of all the people, I'd expect her to be enjoying this." Felix comments as he drops his gaze down to Domen who sighs and shakes his head.

"I thought so too." He walks over to the door and leans against the door frame, watching as Lavender's slowly descends down the stairs with Rose complaining to her about something Lavender obviously did that she wasn't supposed to. "But what on earth did they talk about that she thought it isn't okay to send her off, I mean... This is for her."

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