129: Meeting the Prisoner.

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Mumbling the inside of her mouth, she's just about to cut it open as her eyes remain transfixed on the red light above her with her finger constantly tapping against the wheel as her heart thuds against her chest.

"This is crazy." Lavender says to herself as she glances out of her window as she watches the people walking by. "Domen will kill me for this... This isn't even my car."

She's startled by the sound of the car horn behind her, forcing her to step quickly onto the accelerator peddle, jolting the car forward only to have her foot hit the brake when she nearly slams into the car in front of her.

She mutters a small apology, even though the driver in front of her didn't notice and can't hear her.

Ring ring...

The familiar ring tone of her phone singing from the empty passenger seat in the front calls her eyes to the phone before she quickly brings them back to the road.

With just a single glance, she can tell who it is.



Rose had called her multiple times even before she left the mansion, not knowing where she is.

Now it's Domen.

Lavender ignores the call and glances up at the building slowly coming into view with the logo similar to the one she saw on the uniform of the policemen.

It's the only place Lavender isn't willing to watch an old woman get taken to.

Though it's just the station, she's well aware they are putting her in a temporary jail sell until the court hearing.

It might be tough considering I didn't get her arrested... Lavender clenches her jaw as she parks in front of the police station. But I can try...

Stepping out of the car, she quickly rushes over to the front door as she catches the eyes of people walking in and out of the station.

They are well aware of who she is, since she's been posted all over the internet.

A few paparazzi that try to conceal the identity holding up normal phones are constantly watched by the police officers as they act as though they are waiting on someone.

Searching the room, Lavender tries to spot Penelope in the waiting area, though it's clear they wouldn't put her there.

She walks up to the reception as her nervousness nearly makes her gag from all the eyes watching her every move.

"E-Excuse me." Lavender says with a small smile as she places her hands on the counter. "Do you have... No I know you do, I want to see Mrs Southren. Please. No, not please, I demand it!"

The woman furrows her brows down at Lavender and gestures to her partner beside her, chuckling a bit as she points to Lavender and whispers a few things.

"If Mr Southren hears you didn't let me in, considering I'm his favorite daughter-in-law, you'll be sorry!" Lavender pulls on a serious look as she lies right through her teeth, though tis enough to get the woman to wide her eyes and pull on a nervous smile.

"Sure thing, Ms Carter, right this way." She leans from the counter and sighs as her coworker stares down at Lavender whilst reaching down to the phone, dialing a number and putting it to her ear.

Lavender nervously follows the woman up to a room at the end of the hall way with the words on the door writing as clear as day that it's the head officer's office.

The woman opens the door and Lavender instantly catches sight of Penelope sitting on a red sofa with a cup of freshly brewed tea in her hands.

Completely not bothered.

"Mrs Southren, you have a visitor." The woman says before leaving the room, allowing Lavender in as she closes the door behind her, noticing she's completely alone in there.

Penelope doesn't bother looking up as she closes her eyes and continues to take a sip of her tea before putting it down in the tray in front of her and taking a biscuit.

"You seem to be enjoying that tea." Lavender says, having nothing else to say as she watches Penelope sigh in irritation. "I'm sorry."

"Sorry that you are the reason I'm here?" Penelope asks as she glares up at Lavender. "Where is my idiot son? Is he already filing which prison I'm going to go to?"

"I... Actually came alone." Lavender says as she runs her fingers along her dress whilst walking to her and taking a seat beside her. "I'm here to break you out."

"Don't be ridiculous." Penelope rolls her eyes in annoyance. "You're mad, like a child. What is it you want with me?"

"We talked earlier, today." Lavender begins to explain as she glances down at the tray of biscuits, suddenly wanting one but too reluctant to reach out for it. "You don't seem to resent me as much..."

"Then you're only lying to yourself." Penelope rolls her eyes one more as she reaches down for the plate of cookies and hands them over to Lavender when she can tell she's eyeballing them.

"You say mean things but you act quite the opposite." Lavender smiles as she takes the plate from her hands and takes a bite of one of the biscuits, only to flinch and cringe her nose. "These barely have any sugar."

"I know, they are horrible." Penelope nods her head as she places the half eaten biscuit she was eating down to the table.

"Anyway, you're so much like Domen." Lavender nods her head to her own words before glancing towards her. "He was really inconsiderate of my feelings, but he genuinely loves me."

"Does that imply that I don't hate you?" Penelope raises a brow with a displeased gaze in her eyes. "You wouldn't know for sure if I didn't despise your very being."

"I know, but you aren't saying you do either." Lavender shrugs her shoulders as Penelope rolls her eyes again, bound to have them pop out of the socket sooner than later. "So that's why I came, I want to give you a chance to have a family without all the complicated standards... I don't want to see you die away from your family, just because they want to keep me and Felix safe. You're not something evil, you're a mother and a grandmother, soon to be a great grand mother... If you'll allow it."

Penelope glances off as a deep frown appears on her face, not pleased to at what she's hearing.

She crosses her arms on her chest as she glances at the desk filled with paper work and the desktop.

How annoying this woman is.

"Why do you care so much after all that I'm capable of doing if I see fit to rid you?" Penelope asks as she finally glances at her. "You should be afraid."

"Because I don't hate you." Lavender shrugs her shoulders as she places the plate of biscuits down to the coffee table. "So, do you hate me or are you willing to let go of all this perfectionism and... Have a chance to be a great grandmother to my child ?"

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