Coming of the Plague

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Ethan Wells, a seventeen years old boy, who resides in Sicily, Italy, was walking on the streets. A ship had just sailed from the Mediterranean Sea to the port of Messina.

Ethan randomly walked through the streets, and reached the Port. He saw a few rats getting out of the ship. Despite seeing the rats, he did not pay much attention. Ethan then walked back to his home, he was excited that his father would be back home after a long period.

On the next day, when his father arrived at their home, Ethan noticed that on the back of his father's neck, there was a spot, it was totally black in colour and had some yellow dots. He asked his father about it, but his father didn't pay much attention, and went to take some rest.

On the night of the same day, Ethan's father suffered from fever, headache and diarrhoea. Ethan was taking care of his father. After a little while, when it was getting serious, he went to buy some herbs from the marketplace for his father. He rushed to the marketplace and bought some herbs, on coming back home he saw that, his father was no more. He cried, "O Father!", Ethan's father was no longer in this world.

On the next day, Ethan's father was buried at the cemetery with proper rituals. Ethan saw the exact same spots on the body of his family members, but he did not have any.

On the following day, all of his family members started falling sick with fever, diarrhoea, headache and vomiting, and all of them slowly started to collapse.

Ethan was very depressed about losing his full family, there was no one for him now. He slowly discovered that, the symptoms have occurred to many other people and those who came in contact with them got the symptoms as well.

This phenomenon made Ethan to be in the thought that, he was near his family during their death but still he did not have any symptoms yet. He asked himself, "Am I invincible from this Disease?".

The disease started to spread throughout Europe, from Italy to Germany, Germany to Russia, Russia to China, China to The United States. About a million people died due to this new disease.

Dr. Evelyn Hartley, a scientist, was on a research of this new Disease and she came to the conclusion that, it was a species of The Plague. She named it, "The Black Death". "The name Black Death because, the patients would have many black spots on their body signifying the Plague.", she said.

The World now had been introduced to such a virus that does not forgive anyone and kills anyonek who comes in its path.

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